Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — FILLIBUSTERING. [ARTICLE]


i The Opinion of the Springfield Repttblican. TLe observer of tbe Hawaiian j »fliirs is interested m pres©r.t i proceeding' Tbe regalar ne\\s 1 reports last week. coming from the cen'<<r- wbo sent them out, were rusv iu tbe extrera**. Ti>e | r«*gi>tr;*ti >n < t v< ter> w,«s nnexpect**diy i»rge —L3*0. as far »s ! hear l froiu. Tbe Provision.il ticket w.i> >ureof »access. Every i tLing w <s » y*it*iure of raeut and order The y>riva.e «<lvices tb»t eame by the s»n *• >te»iner were oa the contr,»ry | quite C'therwi»e. 8urae of the, raeraber> <>f the Provisional Goveiniiienl, who are to be kept per-j iuauently iu uūiee. were afr»i«l o| r»gi~ter as voters le>t it lose lhera ! their cilizenshiy> iu the Unitedj Statcs. Tho\ even asked tbe Amenean Miuister to «lecide that they eonlil remain votc*rs of Huwaii »nd c.tizeus < f tbis country. ai.«l of conrse got uo answcr. Tae request reveals tl.e fillibu>ter ing cbaracter of the so-call<.d' guvernment «>f the isl»r.ds. At tLis, mom -ut it is pla.n that thn.se; who gave to Hawaii her civiliza-1 tiou, her progressivo spirit, bcr in»titutions, and lcd ber peoj<!«.* forw»rd t> a seat at tho tablo <>f the n. tious, bave no sympat iy with tbe monstrous and iutol«r «blo proposition to disfrancbise her citizens. coufisc»te tbeir riglits of person aud pmperty, and turn tlie country over to be eateu up by adventurous para>ites. M'e bavo been sw ift to prot«;st ag»ins, non-resident ru.e iu I ‘e l»nd, an«l not onlv bas the govi * li* ernim k nt of tbut land from Dub in , Castle l>een denoanced pnhlie’^ , in tlii> cor.ntry by native Ara.*r- [ icans witb uo Irish blood iu t!i *ir viens, l*at vast smns of raoney bave lieen contnbuted out of Ameiieau tbrift and industry to I foster polilieal revolt in the . Britsh islan«ls favorablo to t!;e people of Ireland. Wiih tliis rrcord, doe» any . one su]'j«<).se tli»t we ym*j>oso to toler»te the establisbineut by vag»bood Americans of » mm popular voto in Haw/iii. wh.eL «lefies every elemeul of justice, inisults every s»feguar»l of pr.vite | chnracter «nd person.il rights. and establisbes a tyrauny ti al \von!d disgrace the Akooiul of i I ° Swat? The answer raade by tha v«*ry few Americaus who venture au apology is, that the raeral>ers of the Frovisioual government iire i w ise nien. The theory upon wliieh t iis i Kopulilie is fouu«led is, that n« o«en are \vise euongh to be «*u trusted with autocratic and n«>n ! torminable power. There lmve been aml are wise things. bnt the proposition ‘o exchai ge y*oy>uli»r g<>veruraent forther>Ie of the 8ol«*mou of the lot w<» ld bave uo supy*orters here. l'ul'ie ■ oy*iui«'U iu this country is to h;.ve a y*owerful efiect upon Haw< li. Let no American thiuk so meaah of the mstitntions of his own couutry as to y*reteiul that Lhe o!ig*rchy on the islan«ls is a graft, ■ from tbem. 11 is y>lain th.it peaee aud y*r. sperity will >jot return to t iat : country until y*ower is resto: ed to its i>eoj>le, and that ean odv be l*y tbe overthrow of tbe g; ng now in coutrol. — l)atc.