Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — The Tariff Bill. [ARTICLE]

The Tariff Bill.

— Roports from in> more f*vorabie to an earlv tle-1 i cision on tbe Taritf bill. Uy voting in support of a plan to I lengtiieu the daily time of c in- | sideration of the bill aud hnrn' along tho dobate, tbe repnbli« an sonators appoar to bave aband >nccl the program of obstroct.cn whieh Senator Hoar had iuti- : mated »as to be adopted by '.e minority. It iaalao said tbat <ke , President and Secretary Carlisle 1 havo iakon a hand in the work'

| of adjnsting the dil!erences io the ' ranks of tbe majority. aod tbat a I * taritf bill s.itisfacton' to all will | C'>mo oot of tbe Senate deiiberations in the enJ. Tbe secators | are jo.st beginning to see that the coaBtry i- in no teroper to toler(ate fortber triHiijg with tbis question.