Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

lt is repo:-ted that tfae Hawai- I ian B*Dd wi.I • , strike" tfais aft€r- | | noon. A proposition to cut down tbe wages of tfae members frotn 00 to 40 faf.s been made. Tfae {boys don't blow for cotbiug. Wfaere is our band? ■' • Tbree yorug fellows who at-tempt-ed to siil from Pear! Harbor to Hon >luln resterday lost the centreb>ard wheu od tfae Quarautīue 8tatiou. Tbe boat ; began to drii t and tbe boys were ' obtiged to ti rn back and return to Pearl Harbor whera tfa©y £nally iamled.