Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — Church Services. [ARTICLE]

Church Services.

The services of the Catbedn»l Congregatioa of St. Andrew’s C«thednd for tomorrow *re as 1 folIows: Second Saadav after Trinity. 6:30 a.m.. Holy Commanion; 11 a. m.. M*ltins and 3:30 p m. £vensong Hawaiian; 7:30 p.m., £vensong and sermon. The ser»ices of the Second Conaregition of St. Andrew’s Catfaedntl tomom>w *Sanday) wili l»e «s foI)ows: 9:43 a. m., Holy C->uimuuion with sermoa; Sanctns and Kyrie. Sronrt in G: hymns 319«nd323; Nnne D ; raittis. Chard iu A; 6:30 p.m., eveusong with sermon; Mrtgnitlcat, Turlein C; Nune D:mittis, Morciogton in D; hymus, 337, 193 and 19. Rev. Alei. Mackintosb, pastor A»I are iavited. At the Centnl Union Charch, eor. of Beritunirt and Richard sts. aervices will be heM as follows; Sund:»v Sein»ol :»t 9:45 a.in., Pablie Worship at 11 a.m. :»nd 7:3L* p.m. The Yoang Peop!e’s Society of Christian Ea»leavor will meet at 6:30 p.m. All «re cordiaUy »nvited to these servioes. The Y. M. C. A. meaibers will hoKl serv!ceson Saud »y. 11 a ra., rtt Ortbu Jail; 1:15 p.m,, at the B;»rracks: 3;30 p. m., Bible study at Y'. M. C. A.; 6:30 p.m., Gospel praise service »t Y. M. C. A. Taesday. 7:30 p.m., pn»ver meeting at Y. M. C. A. Reorg»uized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter D»y Saiuts; Mililmi Hall. rear of Oj>en» Hou.se. Services w;ll bo beld on 8unday as fo!lows: 10 a.m., Bible class; 11:15 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m., preacbiug by Elder J. C. Cl;»pp.