Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We <V> aot bold oars*>lr»g respoa<ūbU for the opim-ous or t he * our corresponl<fnt5.] Editob Holomua: . In last nipbt s Siitr appears an item stating that W. H. Aldricb bad been sleeping in my bonse darīng the time tbut be has been mi3sing, and tbat I torned bim over to the authorities tog;tin the reward of otfered bv his i creditors for bis capture. The statement is a deliberate lie, and the Star has better in the futnre making enquiries before making assertions tending to belittle me in tbe eyes of tbe communitv. The truth of the matter could verv easily bave been found oat by a little euquiry, but tbe S(ar evidentlv prefers to draw on its doudy immagination. It is sufficient to state that Mr. Aldrich was not at my bouse at any time while be bas beenclaimedas‘ raissing.” Any assertiou to tbe eoutraiy is a lie. H. S Swixtox. i