Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 144, 21 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

The Aiivertiser who catches a persons eye osnal!y wins a costomer. Many Jitferent styles of advertising h.ave lH»en a<iopted and witb more orless success, by the believers in the use of printers ink. The manof.icturers of Pears So«p, for instauee, occasion ally buy paiutings that have heeu on exhibition in the Pari’s Salon and have lithographs made from them for the pnrpose of bringing their prodnct before the people. la addition to snch side issues, Pear apends hundreds tbousauds of dollais annually among the newspapers and magazines. Someyears ngo the Agents of cerh»in article on sale in New York mnde a hit in ndvertising bv having on Broadway during bnsiness hours two fatluessly dressed Negroes wearing very high ollan?, on the backs of whieh wiis priuted “Use Smiths Pills.’’ The idea was novel «nd the pnhlie oaught on. Rising S.m Stovo Polish has bee.r kept beforo the puhlie for years tlirough persistent. aiul sumetiiues expeU'ive advertising. Twenty odd years ago the raanufacturers of this polish started half a dosen men acrossthe orui ueut to paint stgns on rocks aud feuce.s Tbe Aermotor Co., of Cnicago have increased its sales iuore than five hundred per cent in two vears bv the use of printers ink. Wo believe we lmve been instrumental in increasing tho s.les of the Aeraotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in ilaw.iii. M e do not wish to s;iy that advertising will sell any mannlaetnred arlfcle; there is no use spemling mouey in udvertisiug “eheap and nasty” goo<ls becanse the people will not be hoodwinked. lf Havilmd Ohina was not the supenor artiule it is, all our advertising of it would uot have sold the thousands of pieces that we bave. We simply eall the attention of the people to it autl its superior quality is apparent to the customer Jirectly a pieee of it is exarnined. Printers mk has helped the sule of the James Locked Feuce but t wo.dd not h »ve d«mes so if it had heen as fliinsy as the or tlinav wiro fenco. First; the economy tbere is in bail»ling it recommends it to the pUntation manager aml then its durability clinches tho the sale If the stays aml wasbers cost as inueh as an ordioary redwooJ post our si»les of tbe materi:n woulJ not have reached such enomioua proportions. Onr aver.»ge sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is abont two a dav the year round. if was not the best iron stove on the market we wouKl not sell that many m sii months. Advertising is the tip the puhlie the good points in thearticle sells it ju-t as the good qualities of the Fiscber Steol liange muke it a desirable article f<«r people who wish toeconomi.se in the nse of fuel. We boy on!v what has proven go»xl after people in the United SUtes or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by tbeir experince if the articles are goood we bnv and sell tbem; if tbey are po<jr we steer clear of them. When we sdvertise an article it- is to attract aUeuiion to it; the newspaper : s the botton we push, the salesraan does the rest. Persistent advertising coop!ed with the art:cle being a superior ono has sold tboosands of the Frank Walcot Eraory File. If it had been no better than an ordin »ry scytte stone we probablv wonld not * have sold tweirtv. hen a man finds out that his table knives may be keptshi»rp at all »imes at an expen.se of fiftv cents and a very Iittle elbow grease be is qnite willing to try the eipenmenL Tie Hawaila Hartirare Co. 307 Fort 8treet