Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 153, 2 July 1894 — POOR EGG. [ARTICLE]


The C'>nstitutioaal Incobator, after straighteniug on the Doleful Kiu'gtks, and repairing the imperfect work of an quskilful Smith. proceeded today Hatch tbat marvelous fabrication the “Republican Constitution for the Commonwealth of Hawaii.” The period of “setting" wili be coropleted, and the feeble unfledged ehiek will be launched upon a cold uusympathetic and “undamonstrative” world araidst the glare »nd noise incidental to the 4th of Julv—poor ehiek it is feared that tbe unaccastomed may stuut its youthful developmeut to such au extent that its existence wi!l be short, painful and unappreciated.