Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 157, 7 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

r-OST. A FOX TE1{1UER BITCH, answering to tlie name «>( **Patch.” A rewanl will he pai4 for her recovery at the Ancbor Saloon, corner of Nauanu au«f Kmg stroets. WM. DAVIES. Stevedort' axi ~W recker. ESTIMATE8 AND 0ONTBACTS«ON ALL KINDS OF WOBKInquire at Offiee of J. Si Walker, over Spreckels’ Baak. orWrightBros Fort Street.| dec 16-»f C.T. AKANA R|epcjaiit lailoi 1! Nnuaeu Street ! All Suits Guaratrte«d To Fit aud in tbe Lateet Style. Clothes Cleane»l and Bepaired. nol7 o_Kirrz. I!AS RE-OPENKD HI3 Boot & Shoe Store, i Opposite the C!ub Stable oa ( Fort 8treet. and wili be glad t« aee bis old fn* nds. may7-tf. j Long Branch BATHING Estabiishment. Tbis First-class 6athing ReeoF. bas been enlarged and vmm open to the public. It k tb« i best plaee on tbe Lslands to enjor ,a bath &nd there is *o better I plaee to Iay off. Hpeeial aeeoea- : modations for Ladies. Tramc«fX j pass the door every balf hour a*c on Satnrdays and Snudays ewq fifteen minntes. e. J SHERWOOD Proprietor.