Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

DAINIPPON Hotel street (ArIington Block.) A aboT* Store has receive<l aaolhei 8pkciid Ii.Toice of ,}apanese Sl LK, ANCY pOODS, Pcr S. S. “China.” —coMraoi>o— BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE, Dresa GooJs in ail ahaiie, plaia and 6gured. Cnthio&A, T»ble (orer«, Bed Cor«rs, Oowm, Ohemuea, Shavls. Silli Crape Kainhow Silks, AU Color* Fsncy Draperies, EHBBOIDEBED HiBDKEBCHEFS Ooilliea, Scarfs, Sasbea, iaekeie, Capa, Etc., Etc. N()VELTIES: The Pricesof these Qood« viU astoni»h yon iodading ELEGANT SILK KIM0N08I Han<iaome Cigarette Caaes, Pin Cnshions. Silk Tea Ooaaiea, LtROE AND SMALL JtPiSESE RL’«S 8ilk Cmbrellau, light bot steoDg; Chair 8addlea. Silk; Bamboo Blinds, fitted vith pnlleys; Silk Lamp Shades, new style. JAPANESE SCKEEMS, Fron> 93 l'p. LAROE JAPA> ESE UIBRELLAS Can be Set with Pole in the ground, nioe tor Pieuiea or Lnnehea onl of door», they ean be opened out or used aa a tent. C(»TT()N CRAPKS 1N GREAT VARĪETY tyin»pectiou BespectfuUy InTited. MRS. J. P. P. COLL C0, Proprietress. Aprl2-3m8 JUST ARRIVED, q 5j s BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STTLES, IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hanu Sewd>g AlACblN2S, t3TAll With tbe L*teet ImproTement8^Q PABLOB Orsrans, Guitarc AadfOther Muaieal Instrumeo* ■ Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 ON HAND, AXD FOB SALB BT ED. HOFFSCHLi EGEB l CD King 8t. Oppo. 0*Ok * Cooke** PACIF1C 8AL00N, ' Corner|King aad ltuu 80Wtfc EDW. WOLTER....Maaagar. Tte Ram iilntfu «I UQUOB8<ad EkEE. >oM mij »!■■ ia Aha Aowa.