Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

F. S. Dodge aml W. E. Wall frcm the Survey office, Ieft on the . steamer W. G. Hall thia morning | for an in8j)ectiou aml sarv6y»o! ' 1 the roads on Hawaii, more espec- ’; ially those in and abont the Kona ! distnct. 1 I Tramcar No. 17, was detained ! sbont 15 miuutes this afternoon j at the foot of Kaahumann street, by an impassable load of bricks, i damped on tbe traok. It was painful to hear tbe contrOTersy j occasioned thereby. The *‘thrilling*’ drama ‘ Oeeaniea’’ is now being actirely rehearsed under the direction of the autbor, D. Martin Crowly, and will be produced, with im- ! proved stage etf_*cts, at the Opera Uouso on the evening of the 28th inst i B. F. Ehlers «k Co. are whispering pleasant words to the ladies 1 in another eolomn. Eeooomieal papas aud Lubbies should eeni tbeir daughters and wivea to the store without del«y and let them > take adTantage of tbe great bar i gaius ofiered in all brancbes by manager Hugh Ouan.