Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.wa.ii holomu^ IS PUBLISHZD Every Aftemoon EXCEPT SUSDAX BT THZ Holomua PubIisUag Co. At King St. (Thomas hloek), Honololn, H. I. 3UBSCSIPTI01T, per Month, 50 Cts. | The p«per is deliTered hy C«rner# in the town ana suburbs. Single Oopiee for SaJe at tne Newe Deaiere aad at the Offioe o( publication. Eouuuo N0RRIE, - - Editor GEORGE E. SUITHIES - Manager ]STOTICE. All Basinese Communlcations shonld be addresaed to Gf-orge £ Smithies Honolūlu, H. L Oomeponaenoo and eommnueaUona tor pnbhoation efaonld be addreesed to the Editor Hawaii Holomua. No notioe will be paid to any anouymous oommnnicationa. Bu.sin.ess Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNET AT LAW. Offloe; 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Ihlands. CHARLE8 CREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honoluln Hawaiian Islands, PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHPORP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offloe. 01d Capitol BnUding. (Honolnln Hale), adjoining Poat Office, Honoluln. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRACTOR AKD BUILDER,1 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. H. E. McINTYRE k BRO., Qbockbt, Feed Stobe & Bakeby, Corner of King and Fort Sts.. Honolnln P. H. REDWARD. OONTRACTOB attn BUUDEB, No. 606 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian lslands. LEWIS J. LEYEY. Real Estate and General Auctioneer. Gon»erJFort and Qneon 8treeU, Honolnlu Penonal atiention given to Salea of Fur»ilare, Real Estate. Siock and General M#rchandise. Mninal Tcl«ohone 23S Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PIL0T roa...... Any Port or ĪAnding in the Hawaiian Islands. lnooiM at offioe at J. 8. Wiini orex Spreoxel's Bank. fcb l4«tfC. T. .AKAlN’A. MePo§aiit lailoi" m N«wwa Sfcpe*t All Suits Guarant©ed To Fii and in ihe Latosfc Btyle. ClotheB Cie«aed »nd Eepaiiei «47