Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

F. GrF.RTZ. HAS liE OPKNKl) HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Oppnsite the Clnb SUble Fort Street. and will be glad U see his old fnends. may7-tf. Mottal Tsi_ 266, P. O. Bc* ijB. WING WO TAI & C0., Xo. 15 Nov1nv Strkkt. Ho.noh.xu, H. I., Commision Merchants, —ImPORTERS A5D De.4LKES 15— 6eneral Merchandise. Fine Manila Cisrar5, Chincse anJ J»panese Crockerywnre, Mattingg, Vases ot all kimla, Cnmpborwood Tninks. Rattan Chalrs. A Fine As$ortment of Drcss SUks, Cboicest Brands of Cbinese aud Japanesc Teaa of Lattst lmportations la weiion o/ X<w Ooods rttpettfully K>lited. jnly6. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STREET, Mclnerny Block. J0BBERS 0F WINE8, and SPIRITS M!erchant Exchange Corner King ana Nanann Streete. S. I. SHAW.... M*u*ger. The r»nest seiection of UQUOR8 *nd BEER. aoid anjwbere in tbe town. Frnt-cfauM *tt«ndanoe. C*U *nd jndge for 7oaneU. no CHAS. CIR0LER, Importer and Commission Merchant 8PBCTALTT£S: J. 4t P. Go*te’ TkMd *. o.; 12 cjhock; look, Merchant Tailor« No. 48 Nuuanu Su