Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 July 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Joly 24 1894. In‘ , Poddenh6adWilson , 9 Philosophy” M»rk Twain says: Pni all of yonr eggs in one basket — and waieh thal basket. are not the only things to whieh this applies, we ean make it fil stoves and change oggs into , dollars and make it read —Invest your eoin in a Pansy Stove —and tbe stove will watch itself. We have been watching these skoves for the past five years, and find them the best iron stove sold in this market for the money, Where else than at our store ean vou get a stove that will do everytbing that a $50 stove will doand got it for $15? Eeho answers, ‘the plaee isn’t built.’ We have sold bundreds of these stoves in Konolulu, and never had a eomplaint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentleman on Hawaii, and yesterday he ordered another for a friend. The stove sells itself through its fuel saving qualities, and because, it is a good baker. You ean get other styles of stoves if you are not particnlar as to the quantity of fuel you burn or how yonr food is cooked. There’s no dyspepsia in meals prepared on a PANSY. We received last week a lot of wire clothes-lines that bold washed clotbes without using pins. It is a sort of double wire arrangement and the pieces are held in between;the barder the wind blows the tighter the pieeea are held to the line. There is absolutely no danger of the clotbing being torn as there is nothing sharp about the line. While the cost is a trifle greater than rope, this new style will last so mueh longer that it is eeonomieal to bny the pinless line. H?he CLAUS8 is one of the new fangled saw-edge knivesthat cuts warm bread without leaf.ing it heavy and iced eaka withont making crumbs. There are two or three different makes of these knives, all on the same principle and eaeh one prononnced the best on earth by the manufactnrers. We selected the Clauss, whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better than its neighbors. * You never had anytbing in your life that give as mneh satisfaetion for a dollar. If you were buying the otber sort you would get only one. The favorite sewiog maehine in any community is the one that does the most for the least money and whieh nms ihe easiest. In tbe “Wertheiiu" you have a maehine that sews three distinct stitohes—The Loek, Chain and Embroidery and rans easier than any other maohine, and you pay twenty dollan leas for it. Eeonomy stands boldly every side when you buy a Weiiheim. In tnoking the ehain stitch is preferable, but in other kinds of work, ihe loek stitch is the best If yon buy a maehine ihat* sews the loek. nnless it is a Wertheim, it won’i sew a ehain stitch. There’s no particular saving in buying a maohine wlth bot one stitch. tbe W«itbeim doee lbrae aod aavea yoa lots oi iroab)e snd work. We’f? jost nnpaoked eix eaaka of stand lampaihai were boilt for bard iimea. They faave meial bases and are deeorated ao a» to make a very neet appearanee ia a room. We doa’t ihink yon ean get aa good a lamp anywhere elae for the money. tzy aa haxd aa yon i pleaae. Onr stook of table entlery, epoona and krb iaaa large»s ' yow will lad in aay aloie iiSu Franciseo, aadowrptMssoompare favorably with Uioee ia Kew Tork. ikMkihhiik