Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 July 1894 — “PER GUARDIAN.” [ARTICLE]


We referred yesterday to the remarkable decision given by two of our Supreme Jadges in whieh a guardiau of an imheeile isallowed to bring suit for divorce on behalf of his ward. We are told that we had no business to be surprised ovor such a decision as the case of Irene Brown vs. C.A. Brown and otbers has furnished a precedent. We have in former issues referred to that case. and to the part whichjthe Chief Justico had in it. Jt seems now that the plaintiff withdraws her suit, but that a “guardian” of somebotly is tiy*ing to force her to continue it. The guardian business is really getting to be more interesting than even the presidential job, and we wouldn’t be surprised to see Dole drop his present situation to heeome a “guardian”—say for Kaiulani. Meanwhile our two biilliant judges Mossrs. Bickerton and Frear are having their vacation —not by guardian though. lf they ouly would take a permanent vacation, and fill their office per guardian, the country would be pleased and the people would be justified in congratulating theraselves.