Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I Pioneer 8hirt Factory E5TAEU5HFr> !>’T. A. M. MELL18, Proprietor, 515 Fort Sl.. [Uptt*i» Good Fit. T<> IiET. |V A Large Parlor Bedroom, K ng !*;reet. next door to Jnhn F. B*>wler’ā residence. lnquireof jy27 10t Mrs. BA1LEY. PANĪHEON 8ALOON. FORT AN'D IIOTEL ?TS % M4p3fferT Enterpnse Ewwim Co. THC Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved here. noT on Draught jyH J. DODD, Prop r *OTICK. From this date, b. f. hoffacker i» alone anthonzed to dr.iw draft or to give orders for merchandise or supplies on behalf of the H awaiian ComuierviaJ and Sngar Company. THE HAWAIIAN COiDIEBCIAL AXD SUGAB COMPANY C. A. SpREn;Ex-s, General Manager. Jyl7-‘2w F. OKKTZ, * «i BOOT AND SHOEMAKER 1 Repairing Neatly Done. , Opposite the Clnb Stabiea, Fort Street, anU will be glad to see UU old friends. my7 lf W A T F 13 ! FURNlTURE. DISHES, GLAS3WARE, Clocks, \Vatches, Jewelry, OId Gold and Silver, and everything and sold at 114 King Street, cofner of Alakea. jy'-T Ciub Stables Company, £. F. Managei< Livery and Feed Stah»le8, FORT STREET, bet\veen Hotel aud Berctania Streets, Honolulu. Both Telephones |CT 477 jy23 Im PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factory. ' B.4HERY and Ice Cre!im Payiors! HOh m 1863 II/ 1894 tW PRACT1CAL CONFECHONER and ORNAMENTER /a all lra.iCht4 o/ th* 6 u*intu oa thet< Amenean, German and Freach PASTRIES Made to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING C.\KES Made ot tb« Vcry Be«t Mau nal aod at Re*»on*hk K*tr*. I Famiiy 6raham & Fancy Bread Alvnu4 oh Iīaud. ALL (01>i-E€Tl0!l[ERY Maaothctar«d at My E«tablt*haacat Are Oaanni'wl to be PoaiUwie Pare aad 5ul»i at Ptice» ik» otber r»t*7u»2imeui eaa eonpeu wuh. *»■ factory *xd stoke,