Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 183, 8 August 1894 — BAD FORM. [ARTICLE]


Very few meml>ers of tbe government seem lo be possessed of a great deal of tact or of eommoo t i vivre et fuire, and it is painful to nct:ce tbe b!unders whieh tb?men wbo have gained a ceriaiu prominence—oot altogetber unenviable —commit so freqnently and so pnblicly. Yesterday Dr. Albert Francis Judd entertained a lnrge number of j>eople at a “luau” given in tbe bonor of <ome you.ig scboolinates of bis sons, wbo are bereenjoying tbeir vacat;on. As stated tbere were a large gatbering of people all presnrnably socially friendly to Mr. Judd nnd bis esteemed family, but ditfering distinctly in pdl.tical ideas. Tbere were officerv of tbe Fnited States navy and menibcrs of tbe diplomutic bcHly Nevertheles, polities bad to be dragged into thc atrair and by wbom ' By tbe prcsident of tbe ilawaiiau rcpublic, Mr. Dole. Ignoring tbe foclings of many of tbe guests ignoring tlie presouce of foreign diplomat.s or otber represr>utiitives of foreign powers, Mr Dole b>id to lanneh into a panegvrio ovcr tiie glorious days w beu tbcse youngstcrs bad riskcd their lives by st.nuling guard somewbere around Kakaako in a most peaceful town of wbicb tbe Unitcd States troops virtually bad posscssion. He even went further aud indic«ted tbat tbey migbt «gain be called into situilar dangerous scrvice, altbougb be did not bope tbat tbe necessity would arise. As tbe boys presumablv are going back to school witbin a few woeks, it seems tbat tho president must bo Iookiug for troublo. No wonder tbo Philadelpbia eouKl uot luavo. Tbo dr«gging of politics into 80ciety, citutcb, scbools aud pvivato eutertaimnonts is the surest way to eonlinuo tbe ill-feeling now existiog in tbe community aml whieli ultimately will bring ruin to tbo country. Faucy’ Kalukaua standiug up at a private entertaiumont wbere people politically opposed wero present and exborting tlio young to adbere to tbe monarcb\’ and “go for'‘ tbe roform party. I3ut tbeu Kalakaua whs p >ssessed of great taot in fact bo was a gentlomau. Tbat’s tbe ditforence.