Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — ON STRIKE. [ARTICLE]


A Maui ccrro8j>omlent informs us that a number of Havaiiaus at SpreckelsTille aro ou strike—agaiust tho gOTerument. They refuse to pay taxcs. It is the custom on S]>reckelsville for the paymastor to withhold from the wages of the laborers the amouni of lax.es to the government and then turu the amouut over to the tax-oollector. Ou Ihe 2ud inst. it was pay day. and the taxoollector of Wariluku went to Spreckelsville to gct the taxes. Ue was politely iuformed that tbe Hawaiiaua had demanded tbeir wages in full and refuse to allow tbe plantation to deduct the amonnt of their taxes. About 100 men decliued to pay taxes and made the collector understaud that they will ruther work ou the roads, if he ean put tbem thoro. The move is expec(ed to be generaiiy adopted; uud Maui will evidently be the tirst to illustrate the great principle of no Uixation witlout reprcsentatioa.'