Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — NOT RECOGNIZED. [ARTICLE]


The llxwaii:in rej»ublic bas not yet becu recognizod hy tlj.e l’uilo»! Stnte», a fact whieh makeg the goverunaeut fed verv tire«l. Tbe dep;rtnre <jf the l’hilaelelphia tomorr- w «nother sign of the in«litference w.th uhioh tlie lTutvd St.-«tes n(Iuiiiiistration view> th«- *<»-called repab!ic. W ii«-n the AiihtraliH left San PmneiM'O the (Tiai!> <l«*n was at M are I.-lnn-l du<1 llawaii uiil eon»eqocntl;. 1>. without an Auicriean ui m of \var for the tirst tiine since the revolution.