Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

9 YIATI REKD1E8. WILL CisirftL Cww?. *• plslaUv mad Pli» to warrt i**»H irv tst<?rtiio#d tlu»t it wtli cwrw Lepr»y. TWy Terw€«kW mwI «h y aj««i by tbt a«s <irLk»tr tr>l tae yyQEf^» PtVt* »ttbiB rvwb of tC >ofel b"r Hr*. C." Q. «*llowmjr, IH Kiaf »«r»«, #, I BkKt. aa*2ex H*nRO«T w^iiwula. Removal! Uli£tace & Co e H.WE MOVF.D TO 1 Morgan’s - Auction - Rooms (or a <hort timv, W« artatU1 »rilins; Departure Bay COAL j*CHARCOAL, AlXjrEROBA ami KINULINO WOOD in any quaDtity. Both Te!eptiones 414 »u*5 —_ lo\/eJoy &co. Wiqe \ Liquoi< ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street . We woiiU eall your attention to Our Special Brands Longlife <$ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casksor bottles Empire Saloon, JAitES 0LD3, I’ROPKJfTOR: pine Wiiie3, Liquors. Beer ALWAS ON HAND, Corner Nunanu and Hotel Street8. BeU Telepbone 241. Post Office Boi 107 T. B.* Murray Is Yet to l>e Fonnd Ou the Old 8tand, Mo. 44 H.iug »t.—Uis Bnsiness as CARRIAGE AND VAG0N MANl T FACTDRER Goes On. £T When the “PEOPLES’ P ARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to EEPilK. PAINT1ND TR111T At a ReasonabIe Figare. — Ko Extra Charge for Furnishing ihem with Oommon Sense. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572, jy21 0m BJDiQ l P MUTUAL TELE. SIi NIEPER S Baggage Exprest. Offite, 229 Fort 3t„ Honolula. IL I. B*ggage and Furniture Carefally Handled and Delireml at Short Noiioe to All Parts of the City. Stand on Cor. of Fort <k Queen SU. CITY DRAYAGE CQ, Stand: Queen and Fort Streete. White and Black Sand. - Draying Done at Reasonable Rates. w. F. 3HARR£TT, Xuisa. Tal Wo Wing Kee Co. 96 NH 'ANU STRKZT » Dealera io Ladiee’ 4c Gent»' Boots and Shoes med* to order. foboi*7