Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — Can't See It. [ARTICLE]

Can't See It.

The case against Arthur Wbite, ( was again called in the Cixcuit : Coait this morning. bat it was ] shown that tbe defeudant is still i nnahle to apj>ear in Court. and is < prndently becoming Iess able, i from day to dny. When Dr. j Brodie was examined, a few days ago as to defendant’s condition, ] he testified that White’s e\'esigbt ( was serionsly atfected. It is umlerstood that the fe:iture of , Mr. White’s ailmeni has now be- , eome so serious that he is unable : to see the jastice of his j>rosecu- - tion, while his comj>anion in < enterf rise goes-free.