Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Ja!y ‘24 IS»4 In ‘ PuiMenheai! Uson’s Philosophy” Mark Tw»»ns«ys: “Pal ail o( yoar eggs in one basket — aml w«toh that basicet ' are not the on!y tbingi* to whieh tbia appliea, we eun make >t fit stoves and cbange eggs into dn!lars aml make it read —larest vonr eoin in a Pansy Stove—and the stove wili watch itself. We h«ve *>*■*“ T ***** -»tr»v: s . for five veats, *nd fiml tbem tt«e best imn Aove sold in tbis market for the money. Wbere e1se tban at our store ean you get a suwe tbat will do oven‘tling tbnt a tōO will doaml g»-t ii for #15? Eeho answers, ‘tlie plaoe lsu t bui!t.’ We have sold Lnm1nds of tbese stoves in Houoluln. nnd oever had a eom p1aiat. Two weeks ago, *a sold oiie tcr A ponlleman on Hawaii, and yestonl iy be ord red another (or u fn«ml. Tbe stovo sells ibwlf (bf'Ugb its fuel saviog qoalities. ami because. it is a g<KXi balft». Yoo -ean get otber stvles stjA«es if you are uot i partieai«f is io tbe quuntity of loel yoo* burn or bow yonr food is eooki .l. Thcre’s no dy&pepsia in pr«pared on a PYNSi'. SS ■ " We received last week a loi of [wire cl>>tbo&-Iine* thut bold \Vii>bu«l clutbes wītliout using ! pins. It is a sort of doable wire Hrrangement und tbe pieces are ; beld in between; tlie liHrder tlie wind biows the tigliter the pieces are beld to tbe line. Tbere is absolutely no dunger of tbo dotbiug being torn as tliere is nothing sbarp abont tbe line. While tbe cost js.;i u.4p greuter tban roj>e, tliis new style will Iast so mucb longer tbat it is eeonomieal to bny tbe pinleea lino. The CLAUSSS is one of tbe new fangled saw-edge knivesthat cuts warm bread witbout ieaviug it heavy aml iced eake witbout making crurabs Tbere are tw.< or tbree dfferent m kes of tbeso knives, ail on tbe same principle and eaeh one prouonuced tlie best on eartb by tbe munufuc turers. We selected tbe Clauss. whieh we believe as a disinterested spect»tor to bo better tban its neighbors. You never had anything in your life that give as mueh satisfaction for a do)lar. If you were buying tbe otber sort you wonld get only one. Tbe favor:te sewing mnehine in any comaiunity is tbe one tbat does tbe most for tbe le*st money and whieh runs tbe easiest. In the “Wertheim” yon havo a muehine that sews three distinct stitches—Tbe Loek, Chuin nml Embroidery und runs easier tban any otber maehine, aml you pay twenty dollars less for it. Eoouomy stands boldly every side when yon buy a Wertbeim. In tucKing the ehain stitcb is prcfer.ible, bnt in * ther kinds ol work, the loek stilch is tbe best. ; lf yon buy a maehine tbat sews tbe loek. uniess it is a Wertbeim, it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. j There’s no particolar saving in i bnying a muehioe witb bot one stitch, tbe Wenheim does tbree . and saves yoa lots of tronble and work. We ve just unpacked aix casks of staud lampstbat were boilt for bard times. They bave meial bases aod are decorat«d so as to i make a very neat appeamnee in u 1 room. We don’t tbink yoa ean | get as good a lamp any where else for tbe money, try as bard as yon please. Onr stock of table entlery, 1 spoons and forks i» as large as you will fiad in any store in San Francisco, and our prtces compare favorab!y witb thosa in New •| YorkI i ... „ V _ . ne Hafaiiaa Harlvare Ca.i 307 Fort Stra«s