Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Citysa Meat Oppo. QneeD Emma Hall, E#ublisheJ 1S83. JOS. TINKER, FMuiLY Maktr ofthe CeUbmted Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbt ThE3». Meut Delivered to Any Part c»f the Cih’ and Suburbs. Muiual TeIephone Number 289. !Y0K0HAMA : iā u — CoriUT of — HOTEL Ā' NI UANU Sts. Si!k and Crepcs, EmhioiUemi Hadkerchiefs, Window CurUins, Str»w Hats, | Kaus, L-’nterus, Haskets. »11 sorts; 1 Disbes, Tea and Breakfast Sets, Trays, Fiower Pote, Silk Bedquilts, Bamboo. Screens, Neek-liee, 9Uk and Crepe Shirts, J:ipauese Tovs, Japanese Provisic»ns by the wholei ?ale. jy28 MUBATA 4 C0. City - Carriage MT’Q- Co. 1 6lacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BE]llT,

Blacksmith Work AXD Carriage Repairlng PAINTING :AND : TRIMMING In ail it.s Branches, at Bed R.ck Prices. Mutnal Telophone 382 Give ua a Call andjudge for yourse!f. jy23 Ho 'im Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GtAssware, <%c. WATER PIPE3 LAID AXD PLl'MBIXU XEATLY EXECLTED Xo »1 Nuuano St, betw««n Kin* aotl Hot«l Amo .’ra Winjr Sinj|f CItaa, SO. 330 NUUa.N'L sTREET, HoNOLULU Ik£exc:b.a,xxt Xailox A fine »asortment of Araerican, Engliah and ScHch C’lotha on k«nd gm d w.»rk »nd a F1R8T CI.ASS fil gu»ranteed Cloth' > aeaec‘dn repaired jyTlm SAM YEE HOP, No. 552 King 8treet, Dealer in Cilifornia and Hawaiian Fruits and Vegetihles. Goava Jelly, Tea and Gn>or.d OoAee, Cigarsetc. jy20 Mutcal T«t. J6«>. P. O. 3ox «58. WING WO TAI & CO., .V 15 Scvxw St»kkt Uomuu H. I.. Commission Merchanis, —iKPOKna* axi> Dcauss tx— Gen«ra! Merchandi«e. Fine ManiU Ctunese xod Jip»n<3» Cro<.kirv *«w. M«ttio|tS, V«m» o»jU; kin<b. tamphor Tr«ak«. R*ttan thairs. A Fine AMomneni oi Dry*» SlUw, Uhoioml Brxnd* o{ Chine*e *nj J»p*ne»« Twlj i.{ L«le»t lmport«tions lMp*tio* toiieUed . july«.