Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


I Th« gener*l pnhlie b*wl for Iwll. Doo't forg- t Uie eTeots to Uke j pl ,ce »t the district conrt Umi r- ; row. _____ Mnrsl.Nl Hi(clicock is »boot lo another trip to ht« beloved Hilo. Tlie MNri|>o«i will bring ne»r lv a week’a l»ter telegniphic f reign new». Clerk R<»seh 1 11 of the Poliee St.<tion will pr<>bib!y be pr>>tū«»ted to a e»plitiucy. The *-venirgmo n will n«>t illn mine the l’orti»goew qmrter till fter 11 <> cl<>ck tooig!it. ! One « f tlie l«»cal trnst» ha» been 1 mnicte(l in the S'i»n «»f $5 333 f r I wages due ;iu eiupluyeo. I ! The ste:i«uer M.»ripos.i i« mw fully dne here fn»in the Col<«ni>s en route to San Franc:sco. At pr«sent, tliere >»re no indicati«»ns of a Lf gue gnne of ball ou next S.«t JitUy i«fternoon. The lionne of aii honses, is the «»niy Honolu'a So«p Honse. . uhere \uu bn\ 17 h.irs for $1 ‘25 ' Tlie Jip«ne«e c »ntiugent »re u>»w eng «ged in ioauy tra«les and professtous ou tlieir indivnliml i i icc«»unts. Theb«nd »illplayat tlie H«»tel . gr«»niuls this ev«*ning i rovid- d the O S S Co’s stea«uer M «r- | ip«»sa is in p««rt. Smith’s bnsses ar a great ae c«iinraodat..»u t«» the public l»olh ; oii iicconnt of the rate of fure ■ and sjieed. The menihem of Am«itenr Ath I ! Ietic elnh are d nly eXercising at the Recre.itiou gr «unds, iu va-j rious gatues. ————— ' Tlie pehool of instruction for i J :|ianese held at the Lycemn on I Nunanu slr«-et was v«*ry j»oorly attended last eveni»«g The inembers of the Nati««nal Band are keeping up j«iactice I aiid will give n c««nc« rt in tl,e Oj>er.i L;ouse, m the ne«r futnre. j — Ihe Ameiiean b;nk Amy Tnrn••r wll 1 le-«ve f««r ll«»ngkong t« day aftei l»eing only 18 «lays io p«*rt h ,vmg rece«ve«l qn ek despatch. The H«*Lomca is tlie peoph’8’ |«aper a* d t«**• low iate of sub script on, 50 cents per uioiilli, is ia accord wilh the present Lard times. Mrs. Thirds will give her lee tnreon Th*H)so|ihv at F «st**r hail. on Fri*Uy evening next. inslea«i of this eveniug as previously : st«te«l Another strike «*f J «p>mese iab-«rers t««<«k pla, e at Ewa plantation vealer«Uy ufteru<«on but the g«i--d ««ffices of C«»psnl Fujii restored har nony «g i»n. The stockhol«lers in the Hawaiinn B«seb«ll Asaociation are in , ecs aCtes over the energy au«l ability diaj»Uv*«l by tlie b »«r I of : «>f m »ii •g»!ineut E H Reqn* and J «mes li rrv are b«»th ap|»iicauts f *r th« sa!»*r inteii«UliOV «’f the lusane Asy um. Th« t»«t il applie »ti«*ns t j d «te are , e ght in nuiiiber. The "'oppw-Hl Hawiiians’ will pnbvblv h«»ld their ad j«virn*d ms-*ti*m this ev<«n»ng. Ttiesnbjeot <«f ‘L veof C«*nntry” ni «y l»e c-msiclered. The fi8liing pirties aiong the are n«<t as numemns n««w as dnr'mg the m«>onlight evening'. Tbe ' red fish” of the 1 ‘ repnbl«c” has not yet aj«peared A rep«»rt haa be«u pnblished by the A«t »rnoy Qeuvial and whieh purj>«*rU b* give nii acc »nnt uf the w<«rk *<n the Depaitiueut during the !ast two yeais. lt is both »umsLOg »ud iustraotire.

Both of tbe steam ro*d r»>llsrs ; tre e«>giged on tbe «UU*rate m«csdam«xing on Emmi strect r J The Conocils are in 8cssi<>n ' tbis afternooo. B>t !itt)e bosiI ue?vs ia exj»ected t*> be tnm»acted. * Fhe (oo'hall te»nus <»f the Am atenr Athtelic clnb will b*ve pr<ctice *t the Recreation 1 gronuds this «fbntnon. Tlie Uie arriv4!s from Ihe Vol eano report a decrea.se in tt«e I actirity »nd poor opp*»rtnnitv for ohs**rving 'be phenoiueua th.it I exi»ts. The r : .fl* pr ictice «t tlie Makiki nnge cont»n'«es ne*rly tbe wnole <«f the d«y, S m Uys, «ud tbe authorit es peinnt it. Ther“ is l>elieve 1 to be no trnth in tl»e r»ira«>r, th»t tt»e Sf«ireilit"vr is t«* be aj»|*ointed l«qoors insp‘*ct«»r t<> the rej»ub!ic “B*> tli«*n as j»nre. etc ” Dr R bert McKibb n. an ohl ud respecte«l resi«lent and a physician. who has I«»ng enjoyed the c«» fidence of the puhlie bas refused to t.ike the obI»g«tory <>■»tli t<» retain office hs a governnient phy sic<an George J. Cavauaugh is not tl»e Gc«tige Cavenangh who it is sjated is aa apj>licant fora clerk ■ ship iu the poliee dei»artiuent, the Gcoige keej«s tlie ouly sj>oiting h<»use in t«»Wn on the coruer of Beretanii and H.iUl streest, and uever uses ‘uatlis.’ The aoth<»r ties seem to be at tempting to r«»ilr«*ad Conlter throngli to pr.8on with«> it lrial itnd s-»me loeal newsp.<pers are iire issist ug. Tiie «uan tuay be h b.i«l” niKii bnt let it be j)r«»ven ji»dicially. All of his oAieial 1 aecnsers are uot by any means j imin.icul.»te.