Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PANĪHEON SALOON. rorr am> hotxl $X9. &terprae Brewnc Co. rma Largei»t Con<tganieot of Beer that ever tmved here, now on Draught jjU J DODD. Prop r CRITERION SAL00N, Weiland > Extra • Pak I_,agEr Heep 2 Sch’K>ner$ for 25 Ct*. jvl4 L. H. 1>KK. Frop'r NOTICE. AII j«rso i» are hercby n«>tified miuI cjutioued tUat «nyooe caugbt «hootin8 g. me oi any <ieaoription or tr«’epasr«ing oo any of the i«nds be* longu g to the i.nder>'ig-ied *in this IaUnd, will l»e promptty prownted. [S;gned], J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, A«g. 2ō, 1894 lw-d PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. rihi;rv sud k*e Cream Parlors! 0R tā 1863 ((/ *8y4 14T PKACTICAL CONFĒC HONEH and ORNAMENTER In all brauckt* o/ lhs burineu ou lkt*t i»lande. Amoric»n. Em;U»b, Genn*n »od Freoct PAbTRIES M«de t« Ord«r BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAiES Madc oi tbc Verj Bc«t Maloiial »od at Rea«onabie Kate«. Famiiy Graham & Fancy Brcad Alieayt «» Uatu(. ILl. <0XI'i:tT105iEBV ManuAotored at Mr Estahl!abmcet Are Guannlt-ed to bo PuaiUrclj Pure aad i*<JJ at<Pricea no otber c*tabll-bmrst ean compote witb fJP “ FACTORY AND 8TORE. So. 71 IIotel Street, Honoleln. Botb Teiopbouea No. 74. \fi S - 3? C 9». V iT’SATOSSUP Sometimes wbere to go to porcbnse aoy particaiar article. but not if you happen to want anything in tbe lioe of £rtists' Snpplies, Pictu?e ppames, or eolargod portrait8, there is bat ooe plaee iu Houolnla, to parcbabe ali materials, and that’s KING BBOS.’ Store. for wbicb tbere is no rival on tbase laUiuia. Tbe finest paintings in Hawaiī, are on exhibition in tbis gsllery. Tbe firm makea a specialty of en)arging portraits as well m making picture frames ai tbe very lateet styies of uioa)diags. In tba sbeet pietures, tbey bave tbooaands to aeleoi (xom of whieh they invite ao inapeelioa at aoy time. KI>TO BROS-, Hotel Street. : Honolala aug. 25-lxndiy-