Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PUKIEIEI) WATEK. B CSED BT THE 0OS3OUDArtD SODA WATER WORKS COMP AXY—Limited T*l^.©3r« ii. tja.© Fo*ujn.tsdjas Tl2.xo\a.gfl2.o\2.t tlis UCEPTINQ OSK as Cr3rstsl;it3T, aug< HOLLlSTER & CO. Itnporters, Wholesaie aod Dealer3lin Sznoll]ig ToToaooo, AM> Sxxioils:©xs -^xticlos. Agents for the Celebrated GK B. D. PTPES, made I>’ paris. Benson. Smith & Co., The Corner DRU6 ST0RE Pnre T>ru#s, Fine Perfumes, Prompt Attention, Low Prices Corner Fort & Hotel Sts. aui Ri|ytOVAL fJQTICE, & 3- X. Will on AUGU9T lst Rcmove from his present store on Hotel street, to the plaee formerly occunied by Benson, Smilh it Oo., oo Fon street. After I get settletl it will be to your adv«ntage to note the pricee, etr., that will appenr in this eolumn.

Woven Wire Mattresses N\-)w, for Ihe first time manufao- . turod right here in Honolulu. By Ihe only man out»iJe of the Unite<l Kingdom, who uae» WIRE, whieh will not RI t ST; he having secureil { exclu»ive righta to uae the pame. PATRONIZE HOME IN0U8TBY ia a hackneye<i phraae. But ’.l you want to buiid up a Nation, indua triea must be fostered. Keep your i tnoney in your own i9land». and ] buv a * Non-Corrosiv« Solld Comfoi1; Spring Bcd. made in Honololu, whioh will n< t SAG or RUST. or. 1 A Pri«Uno Cot, Child'<> Chb, Versa<Uh Chair. Tbrte-QawVtrf ■iln<U »a»l FuU sUe, FokUnc Wire Beds ARTICLE8 auitable yoor clim»te; PRICES aniuhle to tbe titnes. you find Ihem. For the Heat BED in the Market, l rec.tmraeiid lbe HARTFURI> \VEAYE SPKING BED, Tisd4« \Vire all through, \VOV r EN M fine as cloth. Soiid l iaeh. Mapie M»!leable Caaitng9, Warranted in »wv p»rticul«r. Never yet failed t«» girr 3ati»foction. • ' v . Jr\ " v I offer to tb« ouhlie wilh c»nfi«l«}D<f. h»riog made theui (ue y«»r*. You ean nw get /our verv