Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]

Band Concert.

■■ * There witl be » puhlie baud | oonoeri at the Hotel ground tKis 1 erening, complimenUry to tbe oQicers oI the varioas wanhipe now in port. Following is the programme: HH i. i 1. Omtan-"Ii|kt C«r«hy’* S«ppc 2. QmM—"Ttubu«” ,..Wagn«r 3. TromboM Soio -‘-S«re*t Xim (ae*r)... J|oon ~ i(r. L. Ānwi(i. 4. S*hotiūB—“K«b«cco* V*rfi FABT 11. j 5. “K*eiiniwnw I if nīl Sitirni- —|- ; 6. 0*TotU—“Welooine”. KIm* 7. Wah/e— The lV»dis< ol Paei&e’ .. . Beiser t. llaieh—“Hip, Hip, Hiiah:'.. KuaoU» i f*oā tbc Omeea ’ **W«Ash oa tu* Haiae." "Thel3Ur Spugtod Keanw.” Pww'