Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

C!tysā Meat Market Oppo. Qneen Emm» Hall. EsUblUbed 1883. JOS. TINKER, • bJjcHhf^ Maker of the Celebmted Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbt Them. Meat D©liveied to Any Part o( the City and Saburba. Muiual Telephone Xnmber 2S9. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUAKU Sts. Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerohiefs, Window Curtaind, Stri*w Hats, Fans, Lantenis. Baskets. *il anrts; , Hiehee, Tea and Breakfast Sets. ! Trays, Flower Pots, Silk Bedquilts, 1 Bamboo Screens, Xeck-ties, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Jaf>auese Toys, l Japanes© Proviaions by the whole- | sale. jy28 MDRATA * C0. City - Carriage Mf’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KINO STREET ;D. 1(. BE[llT, " _ __ Blacksmith Work AXD Carriage Repalrlng PAINTING :AND : TRIMMING In all ita Branchee, at Bed Rcck Price*. Mutual Telephone 382 Give U8 a Call and judge for youraelf. jy23 ADmiSTRATI3N’S»0TICS. THE UMDBB8lONKD haTins b»-en duijr appoinle»! Tfmpor»ry Admini«tratur of thv K»t»te of J<Mara Heino Pklb, (k) Uie of P»no*. IIon<>lulo, Omliu. decc»MU. Nolioe i« hen?by cīv« n lo »11 crrditor» of the deeeat&d to prv*mt thclr eUlm* wbetber *ccurrd by M.»rtir»»ce. or olberwUe. dnly »utbeodicst<-d »nd wiih tbe proper voucherr, il »ny exi*t to tbc under*iirDcd wlthin «fx monlli* from the d»te bereof or lhey will be foreve. - b»rrat; and »11 per»on* indehtcd to the »»id deee»sed »n; re*joe«l to make immedi»te i«yment at the Ol8« of 9. K. K*-xe. Corner of Kina »ad Betbel 9treet*. Up-etair*. i ' 9. K. KANE, Temporary AdminUtrator of thc E»t»te of Jo«ebh Heano Pele, (k) deee«sed. Honolnln. Au*u*t 1A, l*sD4. »nj[ It$-3w ADMINI3TRATI0N S N0TICE. THE CSDEm»;NED h.,iog bwra dol» »ppoinlcd Admlniatr»trix o( tbe est»te of H. K Rumri <ki. Utc of UaUnU, Kohai». I*Uod of UawaiL decf**ed. Notk« i» hereby (Ueu to »11 credlton ot tbe dece»*e<t U> p-e*ent U»etr elalm* wbetber •ecnreH by M'«rtK»(e or otherwlse daly antbendic»ied aad with lbc proper rou< her*. i/ *ny rxUt. to thc un<h r«ucned witbin »lx monŪA frum Uie date heneoi »r tbey will be (<>rever b»rred, »od »11 per»oo» indcbted to tbe *a>d decra«ed »re rajue»t to make immedUte payment »t lbe <>ffiee of 9. K. K* >k Corner of K:dk xnd Bctbol •Hn* UpwUūn. MK9. NAOMI KAAIHUE, AdminUtr»trix of lbe E»utc o( U. K. K*AiHrx. dccea«ed. Honoioln. Aagn» U 1908. 3w. HoYBii^ee^(3ū. Tinsmiths and Dealers IN Crockery . GlAssware, $c. WATER PIPE9 LUD AND PLUM61NU NtATLT E5ECUTED No »1 Nnoaau 9t. between Kln* ani Hotel A*eu Baildltt( Jyfl im ' — - '"■HT ■ ' ■ ■ ■—■ ■ — SAM TEE HOP. No. 552 Eing Street, Doaler in C»lifornia and Hawaiian Frnits Rr.d YcgotiM©s. Gnava Je!ly, Tea and Gmnod Cort©e, C.garsi tc. Iv30