Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

J\\c (Womua CaUndar. SEPT. 1S, 1894. -n Tn WTh Fr S«t, New Mooo, 1 1 L An F. 1 ,254 F'™t Qo«ter. Aug. 8 r 6 : 8 9 10 II Pull Moon, Anp. I 12 13 14 15 16 li 18 l4st 19 » 21 a il 24 25 Xem a; 27 28 2» .•» 31 Ati B- * i'hhi i«,\ n»ii «tBVirr. will le*re (or «n«l «rrTe • r S.m pmneieeo «n<l oiW foreign on or abont tbe followinK <iatee. |ii! the eioeo o( 1S94. # Hosoi.txr Drm at Hosolct.c ri> , s ( v FK.ANnsco. FM. S*v FK.AMT.vro Va5' ocvkb. o»VA>< ocvia. A' ,trahi Jone23 Anstralia... .Jnne 16 jl ‘,, wai Jnne28 Ar*w* Jnne 23 W«m > J nly 1 M*ri r ..Ea Jnly 5 Jnly2] AnstrmlU.... Jd1t 14 J«ly Wanimoo.. .inly 23 Anwa ...... A «g- 1 Monowai Ang. 2 dnmrah*....An»l. 18 Australia Ang. 11 iUr.;' -•» Ang. 23 Arawa Ang. 23 Wammoo... Sept. I Alameda Ang. 30 Au-tmli* Sept. 15 Anstralia ,Aept. 8 y , ,vrai Sept. 22 Wanimoo.. . Lept. 23 Oct. 3 Mariposs Lept. 27 A<i'tr.i.ia Oct. 10 Anstralia Oct. 6 a j 4I ; Oct. 18 Aniwa Oct. 23 W*rritD'>o Sor. 1 Monowai ....Oct. 25 Au-»f.‘h A 10 Anstralia Kor. 3 N'anp sa....Nor 15 Alame<i*.... Kov. 29 Dec. 1 Wanimoo.. .Kot. 23 ... Dec. S Anstralia Doc, 2 ><, i, wai ....Dec. 13 Maiipoea... .Dec. 20 W.inimoo Dec.30Arawa Dec. 22 Anstralia....Dec. 31 Vr*SEI> UtJ P«RT. |nav*l vesskus. H B M 8 llyacinth, May, Es<jamnlt, B. C. MERTHASTMEX. Aiu bktue S K Ctwtle, Hnbbard, San Fran. («r bk 8k nta, Tiemann, Lirerpool. S, br W STallx>t, Bluhum,KewcaBtle K S W. Bk R 1’ Ritbct, Morrison, S F. Bktne rianter, Dow, Lysan Island, Bk (' D Rrrant, Jacol>sen, 8 F. F.k Vtlonity, Martin, Mongkong. Sclir Rol>ert Lewers, Goodman, Wa hington j;k Aim»ra, Brown, Kewcastle, K 8 'V. Aiu bk Martba David,Cemax B. C. Am bk C<ylon, 8an Fr»ncissco. 0.8, S. Austmlia, 8an FrancĪ89co Scb. Emma Claudina Ke!son, Fang’s Isl. ('OKI l(. \ VEMi£LS i:\PW TED. »r — Aiu bk W 8 Phelp» Oray’s Mar Dne Schr Allen A S F (Mah) due Scbr Rolxirt liowen»... Gr«y’H'b’r Due Pr sbiji Ormara KeweanUe.... Aug. 20 8chr Sa<lie 8 F (Kab).... Aug. 20 0A088 Belgic Yokobama.. Aug. 21 Bk C D Brvaut S F Aug. 22 RM S S Mariposa... ,Sydney Aug. 23 Bk (1 K Wileoi Middlcsborongb. Aug 25 CASSArawa Vanoonver... Aug. 24 0 v S AlamcJa S F Aug. 30 C A 8 S Wanimoo Svdney A»g. 30 1' MS 8 Ohina San Faan. ...Sept. 3 Bktnc Jobn SmitU Kewcastle. .Sept. 4 Oer bk l’aul Isenberb..Brcmen... .Nov. 1 Bark Routenbeck Liverpool.. ,Not. 23 V. Reqna o( the Empiro Saloon has mado a uew deal whieh will loueh the hearts, or at least the palates of many a thirsty wanderer. He keeps •‘half-and-half’’ on dranght and serves a most delieioua and eool beverage, far superior to “plain’’ beer. ee 17 tf J. J. Williams the well-known Artistic Photographer is making a specialty of portraits on Watch Dials aud Silk Haudkerchiofs. Complete sots o( Lantorn slides lecturos eau be had at the gallery. For they are sold at a roasonable ligure by tho dozen or by the huudred. * Soft soap man’u Cocktail 6 ceuts a glass sold only to aalvations etc., Bothel Hall, Bethel Strett X. BREHAM. Bethel St, Mutual Tel. 314. aug 22 * CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf A: Co., will remove to Arlingtan Block Hotel Street, where they will be belter able to serve aud please their I*atrons. Will keep on hand all the latest pav*ers. Book Stationory, Poriodicals A Xovelties, in all brauches of the trade. se 14 tf dl$DITdODinTU$Tdl$DIT —0F THE — {lAWJ\IiJ\N I^LAplD0. IN PROBATE. Io thf mattcr of thc r#t»te ol R0« tkxo. l*te of Hoeolulu, Oaho. <lcaca*c<i. intc«tatc. On th« reading and flUng thc peUUon o( MRS NANCY STILLMJkK of *aid Hoi ailcging tbat Ro»« Molleno of said H di«d iut»tate at aaid Honolnln. on tbc iay oi Febntary. A. D. I8W. and prayli« that of AdminlftntUoD iuue to bcr, «aid Kancv StiUmaa. It U ordemL tbat oa FR1DAY. th« Sl»t day o! SKFTEMBEK, A. D. 1«H, bc and hereby A* aj>polnt«J for hcaring aald j>etitlon. ia tbe conrtroom of tbU Coart, »t Honolnlu, at whieh tīme and plac« all pcraona coucvrncd ni»r appcar and «how nue, t( any lbey h«te, why Mid peiiiīon abooid not bc eraalcd, Dat«d liouolulu H- L, Au*. 84. A D. 19M. „ BY TBE COURT. LSAKUC8 F. BrTKK80E, Clerk. »ug. S5~Swclly.