Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

8RUCE GARTWRIGKT Huaim 0 * of » Fidx5ciair Katnre TirnsAc;fcd. | Prompt »ttention given to tLc managwavu; of Eeiiaie*. G t«riia&shijia. Trast«, etc.. ctc,, etc. Ojpioe*, : Ca.iicright Bu{Ultng, '■ Merchant Street. Hoaolnln * T" ; H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealerst Coffee j Roasters ANl) Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Streot, - Honolnln Familios, Plantations aml Sbips aupplioil with choicest European & A merican Grocerics California ProJuce by Ever> T Stoamer. Merchant JtCxchange Corner Kiug aun Nuuauu Strcets. S. I. S8AW Proprietor. The Finest selection of LIQUORS and BEER, sold anywhere in the towu. First-class attendanee. Call and jndge foryourself. no 113—tf. LEWI8 & C0. Who!esa!e snd Retail Gro AND PROYlSION DEALERS. FRESR CAtIFORNIA 5ALM0N ONICB By Erery 8au Francisco Steiuner Salt Salmon ix Barrels a Specultt. III Forl Si., Honohilu. Tel. 240, P (1. Rox 297. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STKEET, • Mcluerny BIock. JOBBERS OF WINE8, and SPIRITS KENGLUN, PH0T0GRARHEB. Nuuanu aud Pauahī Streets. Cabinets. $3.50 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozeu, “ 3.50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Ooods and Cbinese Silks. jyS3 flationaI Ifon WoPk^ * QU£EN Street, ! Between Alakea & "RicharJ Sts, TIIE CNDERSIGNED prepared to m»ke «11 k;nds of lron Bn«. Bron*e, Zine, Tin «nd Le*d C«stings. Alao Oeaenl Repair Sbop for Ste*m Engvnes, Biee illlk, Com Milk, W«tcr Wfc*k, Wind Milk, etc, Meehiaee for lh« Cle«n:ag of Coff«e, CWtor Oik, Be«na, R*aie, Suad, Piaeepple Lear« k othrr Hbroos Pl*ats, And P«per Stock Alao Maehine* for Ertracting Surch frow tbe Am>w Root, ele. |y AI2 Ordens paomptly «ttea<Ltd to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.