Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

*SSIQNEE’S 3A.LE I thx entire stōcr oF Wenner & Co. «TLL BF. 90U» Req r dless of Cost. -<pi 6— U PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. BlKtlRV and Ice Cream Parlors I OmN m m 1863 l)> l«i 1894 91 {#- PKACTICAL CON FEC TION KH AND ORNAMENTER lu all bra,<cht* of ihe busint*s ou thesc islandi. Ami‘rican, Enclish. (.erm»n and French PASTR1ES Made to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made ol the Vei4 Bo#t M«trrfcd »nd at Keaso'oablc Rate*. Famiiy Graham &. Fancy Bread Alurays o« Hand. ALL COXFECTIOSERY Manufactured af Mv Establishmont Are Giiarantoed to be 'Po9itivcly Purc and Sold at Prices no other cstsblUhmcnt ean eompele with. • FACTORY AND STOUE, Xo. TI HoteI Stre«t, Honolulu. Both Telophones No. T4. jy‘J6 Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMAEINOS Refrigerator Contain a Full Supply of lee Hou.«e, such as Frozen Oysters, Crubs, Fresh Saimon. Canliflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, " Peaches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Plums Tokay Grapos, German Pruncs Crawford Peaches, Silver Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Eto. California Fruit Market. Mutual Tel. 378 lt vihq-!-F>t-.-chan —: FURNITURE DEALERS. B«z to iofonn the pablic that thry hare opeoed ii Bra2ch Siore at No. 322, Nuuanu St, Wher« U>ey c*rry m complete Uoe of BEDBOOM SETS, CHAIR3, TABLES. WAKDBOBES. STAVDS, Ete„ Etc . Etc. Fon>itare Rrpa’red «nd Geoernl Jobblng at K*MaMblt Kate«. V1NG FAT CH. JucUsrj, coraer of Kiag mad 8ethel sept 5-3ms 'ā£i CHIX . .. , KEE H0RSESH0E1.\G SH Maonakea 4 Pauahi Str« X** »ct ill ro-’nd Ofcl wt bU roQnd to Xo w 5 £nguu« Lkme