Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal! Hnstace & Cp. HAVE vovki> to . • Morgan's - Auct!on - Rooms for » *bort We *re.»iU^Uta* Departure Bay COAL CHABCOAL, ALGEROBA anii KIXDLING \VOOD sn *ay qn»otity. Both lelephonea 414 *u<> PCUND MASTER S XOTICE. Noūeo is hon?by given to all persons that hen? are at the Government Ponn;l 9. M*- - iki two stnive<i bnlls. I bbck bnJ ji»nded Ron right himl kg. 1 pmeo bnll >ran.l iniiiscnb»blt* ou - b"rl\nv person or persons owing thesc bnll> re rv*inested to eouie ai.J Uto Uw eame> on r ivfoiv 1J o’ekKk noon, SATIK1>A1, m 13 > '**• JiMESrKrKOS4, Pounel Master. Makiki, Ang. 30. 15»!M aog30-lway Pioneer Shirt Factory F.hTABLISHED I*>T. A. M. MELLI8, Prorrietor, 5IS Fort St., Ilonolulu, (Upst*in>,. Uoo.1 Fit C0NS0L1DATKD SODA WATER C0. (Limittei>.) ESPLA N A D E : Cor. Allen md Forl Si». s : Ilonolalii I10LL1STER * C0.. Agrul«. F0R SALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLI0N oolt ’. elonging to P. D. I>enl»erg. Tbe colt ean be seen at tho PANTHE0N STABLE fn>m to-morrovr. tf. The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Firgt-cla$ [lou^e IN EVERY RESPECT. Rooms from $150 to $3.00 pcr Veek or 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephone 132. ang 22 NOTICE TO Visitcrs. Pienie Parties. Lnacs —AND—GENERAL PUBLIC I At SMlrH 3 Bj.i AN[) Livery Stable, Kixg Stbef.t. [Adjoiniag Metr>politaa Meat Market.] ls the Cfc«p«t PLaee in T .wn yon eaa «1 Bn>-es. W*m>nerie« VT U ,h. B «»gg:«s »nd Smldle Mutaal Telephone 408 angl-tf Eyc. ; C»mer Kio« *nU AUke* Street*. aiuanno s Keir By Erery Ste*raer from S*a Pnnci*co, with F resh Fruit, Oysiers. Salmcn, Pou/try, etc.. Eyc .. Ew