Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]


■ I I I i | CO.\'STITLTIOX /nd l..\\VS I Pramed bv the Missioiu\ries. % I LAWS of th/ HAWAIIAN 7 I^LANDS. I / / CHAPTER XLIV. A LAW R£SPECTIN*G CAXL-HED P£RSOXS. Soine p°rsons w!io are ban : shed to an >lbor plaoo, are ! exceed ngly misch : evo;is dnring thoir stay there, whilo othors, livo very qniot!y. lt i<» therof >re propor that thoy should be dealt with acconling to th-ir b>haviour. Theso are t!ie reas>us for tlie onaelion of this Inw. I. If a man banished to another pla-.-e, and he go in aeeonlanee with iho sentonce of ihe law, nnd live quiet’y, n good character. as on • endeavoring to fors.ike his cv 1 h:ib:ts and cliang • them for th > better. Lf the Nobles hear of this, it sh.»ll be prop-r for them at tho;r annual mei ting to institute an exam’iut ou and ma»e inquiry, and if t l iev tiud th.it what t'iey h u:d w.is truo, thoy may thcn I gra.it a panlon to said enm'ii'l. f Tiio man sha!l ba confined no l.<ng’r at lii-» plaee cf baaish* mont, ho n.ay return to his own plaee. This howov r do s not apply to t 'iosj wh > are ban sLed f >r adu tery. II. lf a man be han’ehe 1to anot!u>r pl sce, tlie Governme.it s'iall sapply his f >Oti f>r the first -»ix nn t!is. and tho m m sbal! onltivut * the ground f r him- •f, and wh«u tiio «is mouths menti >ued above aro expired, the (Iovernnu*nt will aid tiie man n > longer, he imist s ipport hi.ns If. And wh n tle term of yt-ars dir ng whieh ho is t > roside at i-* plaee of banishiuent is uearlv oxp red, he slull then eu l •■ at- nd leave for tiie goverum,*nt, a c_>rt.i u q iantitv of food, e*j al iu am.)iint to t .at w.ieh h«d foruior'y b*■ u f.r:>is i»- i li.in by t!«e G >vernment. But if h« do n* tle iv« t i» m >uot f food f r th_> Govcru iieut, he nut hav hi« lihorty. 11i. man be bi iisbod ’.o s.iothcr p! «e • i d i!>*_> n.l [fi‘otn his plae* of ba iish n h shail i- e ive tn :yfive lashes, aod bo ret ir.ied ag.ib. to his piaee. A .«•• nb-.- •! ag«l nhe sl>ail receivo tifty la?hes. A.ul the naai!»er el l ahes s!u,l oe mcreased iu tae >. ne rati > f .reverv tia>.e t ..«‘ .t absconds. In cons,d-r«tioa of this law, ,t «v.'i be «vi?.* for aM haniahed pcrsons to iud :.stri usly en t.vat* tiie grounl, that thoy iuay hve pleasant!y. F<rif th ! < aot gr <w fo l thev will havo notluug to o.it excapt tha w.ld food of tbo mouniain, the Kupala. and other tlii ig-» growng wild. f IV. Fartherra >re, if a rn »u »iii!o livi ig at bis plaea of buuishruent cuuducts niūelii v > isly, he shall be tlog. r d at the discretioa of the j >dg s. l.ioigh 1 10 j .Jgj sh«ll uot iodulge r v«nge. but shall pa-i jast oenlenee. I All the words of tbis L v were approve«l by the Xobies and also by the Bepresent«t ; ve b‘>ly. wo have ther-.>f >ro h-reant» set uar names uu ibts t v :tysevmt i d.y of April io the year of oar L>rd o.«o td > iia ii e ght hu.idr-.l au l £urty t vo. (Signed> KAMEilAMEilA III KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTEIi XLY. . A XEW LAW RELATfX3 TJ P!Ē 3OF THE TaX OFFIC£RA % Ou aeoeni o! tio frs<>ae >t I ;’ijilt!04 th«t >'W Jr bj*. >eo ,tbe peop’.e ;«a*l Ihe t*x oifio rs rosp3cting tI*J f*Iiug of iho s'gca!, and respecdng tho ;imj of wori,a.>d respjctiag a variely of «Hher t’uog* doa« by tiia tix ;>lu.*ers, ta-?re-fore [it u eoaeuai 1