Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Jl)ST ARRiVED. *• n . ■ i* V * * m m 6iBY • CARRIAGES OF ALL ST1L CAKPETS f RUQS, LS TIIE LATEST PArU»S.S. “.H OUSEHOED SEWING MACHI>ĪES LIani» Setvixg MAClUX2S ; \U Wuh tbe L*t<-st In i r j nmeuL

PAKLOK I GriiitarAi OtL« Mu-io*! IiL-trunj- u' . 1 • • \Vines, Liquois, Bccr ALWAYS OX HAN'O, anp tx»u 8A Ut BV ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER 4 G0 St.. opio. Cu '. • t Cooke'i WA X r i" KI) ! CL*RNiturk, i>isnts. (.lassware, 1 eioek*. Walohw, Jc*c!rT, UM <• olel smi WlTer, aiul cvrrj‘lbiui: boutiit aii'l »■■ J»t 114 Kiiu; Street, corocr of Alakea. }>-• P. O. Box 2(W. 406 Nuaauu St. S. YASUM0R/, MERCHANT TAILOK. Denler in Japaneso Gooils, IL(ots and Shoes of Jupanose nii»ke; , Choap for Casli, New Goods by Every Stcamer. jv 23 LEK SIXv KKK, 49 KIXG STKEET. TIXSMITH, am. DEALEB IX GLAS8w»rc. Cruckcry, Ooal-Oil St<>ves, Waicr Poti*— riuml<n>R iu All lts Bruuclic* Faith* fully Execute>L jy!8-ly MACHINE MAI)E n r>ou FACT0KV, : : KAllHI. Taro Plants, Fresh Toj s atid K .« T«ro at all tiines. Uing U|> Muluul T« !ep’ >ii'' ō77. Bell 345. W. L. \V1LC0X, jy25 Manager. Now »Tapau Markot. ,toT .Unuiuiha Strrfl. Fresh Meat ou IcE 4 Po«nd 25Cts.

SduikI, M:ma«?r. augl | HoYen Tinsmiths and Dea/ers I Crockery, G!Assware, <%c. W.\TER riPE3 I.AIO ANO PLl MBINU XE.\TLY E.\ECl'TKO Xo 1* Kuuuu Sl. Wtm- Kin£ stis5 Mo?el Akh Bu!Mmc jvo im CITYiCARBIAGE C0. j Corner KING anj UEIHEL Sl. C AJR Tll A.GrES, AT ALL HOVRS. Both Teiepbon|f No, 113. J. 6. AN/ RADE. Man*ger lS4t C1TY DKAYAGECO. SUmi: Queen and F<*rt Streete. Whitr «n<! Bisek S<nd. Dr«ying Done at He.u> .iu*bie Rat«»s. W. F. 8£URR£T1. JU>xosn.