Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

rr 1NSURANCE,’« fire and mapine THK USI>EiU5K»NED IS AUTHORIZhl) T0 T VKE F1RE asd MaRIKE HīSK? ON Buildiii8:=5, Merchandise, Hulls. Car<roes, I , axid Commissions At Current Rates, in tlie Following Cos. samely: ROYAL INSURASCE COMPANY, L1VKRP00L. ALLIANCK ASSUKANCl£ FIRE A MAHINE. LONDON. WILHELMA 0F MADGEBURG (iENEKAL 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSURANCB OOMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO. J. S- WAI KEH, fgf“Agent t»r Uie Hawaiian Islande.

KMnmu Hloek, HoUl Sl„ helween Furl and Knuanu, "n1TDEE E«r ImpMtod ‘ WC»X‘ Haii omo Carved Bedroom isets I n\Soli<l Oak. and ol Ihe LATEST DhSJGj\S. ESPECIAL ATTEMT10N IS CALLED TO TMESE SEIS: WICK.ER WARE, Dos ; uns of Wicker Ware. consisting of S0ins. eiuilli, KOOKElW. oto. voa ean got these .. .«> A ’ FIMSH you desire. CHAIRS, C„«utless nnmbers „1 CHA1KS,.„ OrF.CE E22:'XEaiTSioxT tables, We bave had n nnmber of ottlls lor these Rbl». «Uh CHAIUb to match. e have now m stock thc most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURN1?jRE EVEE SEEN HEHE. Side'boards and -:- Chiffonier» DI V.A- WSS Divaus covered witb PORTIERS are becormug qnite the nl ieo o{ LOUNGES-wo mannfacture tnem to order. and l..i%e a laige stock of PORTIERS to sc>l« ct from B E 1D XD I Or - t \ssortment ofWOV£N WlKE MATTRESSES-S r ring. H.ir, [J Wool and Straw Mattresses ou liand and made to order. 1VE GEESE FEATHERS :md S1LK 1*L0SS foi l ‘ o«h C1URS. CRADLES. etc. WIXDOW SHADES of all coiors and siz s. COUMCE POLES. iu wood or bnss tnmninigs. 22 E 2= > IEITT O-. lttttrettttes, Loonges a.ul «11 U ( holtttere<t Fnrnitnre rep»irea »1 i*easoiiable rtb-s. f ,»in \ET MAKING, iu all its branches, by C<»mj>ot«nt U orkrnen I\TTING LA1D ai.d Int rior Decor,.tmg uu.ler tbe bnperv..s!on of GEORGE ORDWAY ‘ c)ur C ;oods »re First C)ass, and our iaices are tue lowest Come nd be convinced —a trial is solioited. Bell 5‘iō. telephones; Mntua. 04o )UDWAY A PORTER. Robinson Block. betweeu >ovt and Nnnann

Teui*hoxis.s; Bell 351 Muiual 4 17 Besii>eni e: Mulual 410 P. O. Box 117 F»B. THOMAS, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER JbCstimates Griven on A. 11 Ivinds or KK, H, STII1 & WOWi lllUWii AU Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEP8 FOR 8ALE: Bnc«, um«, Cemeut, Iron Stono Pipo aud Fittings, 01d A New Corragated lron, Minton Tiie», Qnarry Ti!ee, assoried 8izes and colors; Oaliiomia and Monterey iSand. Granifce Cnrbing and Blockg, etc., etc. t Corner King dt Smith Sts. OFFlCE dt YARD: Offic« Hours, blo ta M., ( Ho«P M.