Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MORGAG EESNOTICEOF IN'IENIION TO FOKECLOSE AND OF SALE. Kolioe is hereby given that pnrsuant to a power o( sale contained in a certain mortcage date<l September lst, A. D. 1892, roade by GEORGE NAKIAI A and MAKAEA GEOBQE his wife, of Honolulu. Island o( Oabu,to Malie Kahai, lateo(said Honolnlu deceased, recorded in the office of the Registrar o( Conveyances. in Liber 138. (olioe221 • 2-3. J. A. Cummins, Administrator with Will annexed o( the Will of the said Malie Kahai, deceased, intends to (oreclos« said mortgage (or a breach o( the oonditions in said mortgage contained to wit: the nonpayment o(Doth the principal and interest when due. Notioe is also hereby given that all and singular the lands, tenements and hereditaments in a&ul mortgage contained and described, will be sold at Public Auction, at the Auetion room o( Lewis J. Levey, on Queen Street, in said Honolnln^on WEDNESDAY, the 14 DAY of NOVEMBER A. D. 1*'.4. at 12 o’eloek noon o( said day. The property in said mortgage_is thus described, viz: That certarn pieee o( land situate in Pauoa, Honolnln, a(oresaid, and &iso that certain pieee o( land situate at Anwaiohmu, Honolulu aforesaid. described in Royal Patent 1789, Land Commission Award 31.»4 to Makaionlu,conveyed to Umanma opio by I’mauma his (ather, by deed reoorded in īāber 30 tp. 296-7, andby said Umauma opio to George Nakiana by deed recorded in Liber 136 p. 307-8. Term eaah ia U. S. Gold Coin. Deeds at expense o( purcbaaer. For further particulars, apply *o Ja*. K. Kaulia and Enoeh Johnson. Attorneys (or the Administrator with the Wili annexed 4 the WiU o( Malie Kahai, deceaaed, Mortgagee. J. A. CUMMINS. Admini»trator with the Will a nneied o( the Will o( Malie Kahii. deceased, MortDated Qonolnln. Oct. 24, 18D4. 3wks-dly.

LON/iJoy&CO,, Wiije \ li^uūī 1 ūealei^ 19 Nauaou Street We would eall your attention to Oor Special BrandsJ I ■■■ ■ r ' '

Longlife Pure Cream RYE WHfSKEY. Fredericksburg Beer 3 u2 in casks or bcttles CITY CARRUGE C0. Comer KING »nd BETHEL St. CAHRIAGES,*. AT ALL U01BS. doth T*lephon« No. 111 J. & JkKDRADK, M*u*ger i ]unc 15-tL