Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Golden ; Rule Bazaar,’ ;Depol for JfEWSFAPEBS ajtd PERIODICALS by every iacomĪQg Sabscriptions Payable in ! Advance. w — . . DOMESTIC SEW1NG MACH1NES. TLis MaeLioe is tbe King of all. On it von ean make a Look - stitcL. CLain-stiteL, Ernbroidery, Button-boles, Ruffles, Tacks. Guitars Lawn Tenuis, Basebali, Croqaet. Stationery and Blank Books at Cisn Pbices. ' Hand Sewing Mackines from eigLt dollax* half np. [jy£7 WE ĪSV17E ALL SMOKERS To eal! and inepet-{ oar late importation o£ the oelebrmted G. B. D. p:pes, cigars and h HCM,isn:aicc, • T. H. Davies k Co„ Xiia:y!tlt©cL. Fresh Feed . and Flour From WASHINGTON. Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, JVIiddlings, Bran, PEK WAPIMOO ” Jost to Hand. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Qroceries, To Hand. S roa Baifey Honoiulu Made Wire Woven Matresses and Hammocks