Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LO\/iJOY »C0,| wiije \ Liquoi t ūealei^; 19 Nuuanu Street We wouid eall your attentiou to Our Special Brands Longlife Pure Cream RYE WH!SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or bott!es Long BrAnch -8ATH)NGEstabiishment. This First-Class Bathing Reaort has been enlarged and is now opeu to the puhlie, It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath, and there ia no better olaee to lay ofi. 8pecial accommodations for La - dies. rranac«r» paw ine door every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen raiuutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy‘24 Proprietor. PIONEER Steam CANDY Factory 1 BAKERV and lee Cream Parlors! 0R m m 1863 «I 1894 HT PKACTICAL CON FEC T!ON EK AXD ORNAMENTER /n all braurtu* o/ Ihr bu»intu ou ihtu ulaiuU. Ameiiean, Eturli»h. Gen»an »nd French PAāTRIES M»dc to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDIRG CAKES M*ilt ol Uie VerT Bc«t M»Uri»i »nd »t Beaso't»bte K*te». Family Graham &, Fancy Bread Ahrayi m Ifand. ALL C'OXFECTIOXw.«Y M»nafi»ctnred tt Mr E»t»bli»h«netit Are Gurmn(eed to be Po*ltlTelT Pnre »nd Sold at Pricf» oo o!her esUbiiahaient ema eompele «Uh. |r FACTORY A XD STORE, No. 71 Hotel 8treet, Hooolalu. Both Telepbooc* No. 74. jj19S

pioqeei> $hirt E8TABL1SHED IWT. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, l I 5IS Fort Sc, Honolala, (Cf*Uin) 600«! FU PACIFIC 8ALOON, Otnn Kiag ud Kiuao StiMte. EDW WOLTEB.... Uaaager. Th» ttm* Mloenon 0 < UQUOKS«m> 2KEB, cold u.jvbcr« ia U» low*, F1rcf ni— kttesdano«. C*U ud judg»