Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — MORTGAGEE S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE. AND OF SALE. [ARTICLE]


In accordance with a power of sale contained in that certain mortgag ’ made by the Waikiki l*-ach Company. Limited, a corporation duly existing under the laws of the Territory of Hawaii, to F. Wuadenberg. Trustee, dated October 15th. 1901. recorded in the'Register Office. Oahu in Liber .. page ... notice is hereby given that the said Mortgagee intends to foreclose said mongage for condition broken, to wit, the non-payment of Four Hundred Dollars on the 10th lay of November. A. D. 1901. and upon said foreclosure will sell at public auction at the Auction Rooms of James F. Morgan. Queen street. Honolulu, on Monday, the 13th day of January. A. D. 1902. at 13 o’clock M of said day. the indentures of lease and premises thereby demised, together with all improvements thereon described in said mortgage as below perilled; and also all of the household. kitchen and bar furniture, toods. chattels and effects of what-, ver kind or nature upon the premises knwwn a- and called Waikiki Inn. Further particulars can be had of J. Alfred Magoon. Attorney-at-Law. Magoon Block, corner Alakea and Merchant streets. Honolulu. F. WUNDENBERG. Trustee. Mortgagee.

The property covered by said mortgage is the entire property and business known as the Waikiki Inn. situate and carried on at Waikiki. Island of Oahu, and is particularly described as follows: First—That certain indenture of lease made from Thomas Wright to G. F. Bulen. dated February 27th. 1599. of a parcel of land situate at Waikiki. Honolulu. Island of Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Lot B. Commencing at th<’ north corner of this lot, being northeast corner of Lot A. and running S. 52 E. S 4 feet along road; S. 37 W. 133.5 feet along Lot C; X. 51 50' W. S 4 feet along beach: thence f X. 37 E. 132. S feet along l.ot A to starting point, containing an arch of 11111.5 square feet. Said indenture of lease from said Thomas Wright to the sa ! d G F: Bulen is duly recorded in Liber 197, pages 376-380. and was duly as signed to the said Mortgagor by Dill of sale of the said G. F. Bulen. dated October 4th. 1599. and recorded in Liber 193. page 432.

Second- —That certain indenture ot lease made by Edward C- Rowe to Anna Klemrae. dated February 2Sth. 1899, of a parcel of land situate at Maikiki. Honolulu, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Lot A. Commencing at the north corner of this lot adjoining a lot belonging to lessor aud running S, r>2 E. 84 feet along read: S. 37 W. 132 s feet along Lot B; X. 51 50' W. 84 feet along beach; X. 37 E 132 feet along lot belonging to lessor to starting point, containing an area of lloTd square feet. Said indenture of lease from said Edward C. Rowe to said Anna Klemrae is duly recorded in Liber 185. page 432. and was conveyed to said G. F. Bulen by assignment of lease, dat d April 4th. 1889. and recorded in Liber 185. page 425. and by said G. F. Bulen assigned to the said Mortgagor by bill of sal" dated October 4th. 1899. recorded in Liber 193. page 432. Also the furniture, .goods, chattels and effects of the said Inn chiefly described as follows:

Bedsteads, 20. Ice Box. 2. Spring Mattress- Tables, 7. ps. 2". Table. Extension. 1 Mattresses. 23. Billiard Table. 1. Sheets. 126. Musix Box. 1. Pillows. 41. Box Lounge MatSpreads. 33. trass. 1. Bureaus. 22. Lounge. Rattan 1. Washstand?. 22 Glass Mirror. 1. Toilet Sets. 21. Clocks. 2. Tables. 21. Washing Table. 1. Wardrobes 111. Safe. Offhe. 1. Chairs. 117. Cash Register, 1. Rocking chairs. 31. Cooking Range. 1. Arm Chairs. 23. Ter. Cups, 35. Center Table. Coffee Cups. 63. Cane. 1. Egg Cups. 11. Flower Pot 1. Oyster Dishes. 6. Can* Lounge. 1. Glass Tumblers. 9 Secretary. 1, Dinner Plates. 93. Bamboo Rug 1. Break. Plates. 79. Wash Bcwl. 1. Bread Plates. 81. Pitcher. 1. Saucers 125. * Soar Dish. 1. Veg. Dishes. 21. Brush Dish. 1. Glass Finger Slop Pails 2. Bowls. 32. Screen. 1. Fruit Dishes. 7. Silk Piilow? 3. Oyster Shell- 36 Pillow Case}.. h 9. Glass Goblets. 102. Towels. 290. Wine and ChamRugs. 36. pagnes. 23. Curtains. 45, Glass Xut Dishes. Curtains. 29 prs. 11. Mosquito Xets. 2". Glass Sug BowiB’ankets. 22. 22. Pictures. 24. Glass Vinegar BotCot. 1. ties 24. Piano and Stool. 1 Xut Crackers, 13. Whatnots. 2. Saits k Pepper?. 8. Table Covers. 61. Peppers. 30. Vases 3. Trays. 5. Lamp Bracket, 1. Plated Forks. 150 1 Lamps. 2. Knives. 164. Sofas 3. Spoons. 251. Napkins 429. Glass Jellies. 75 , Table Cloths. 74. Soup Plates s*'. Bathing Saits. 326. Veg. Dishes. 132. i ’ r »h*e« Dining. 19. Butter Dishes, 59. Sideboard?. 2.