Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — PLANTATION LABORERS CLASH. [ARTICLE]


Waipio Peninsula Was the Scene of Much Fighting Sunday. The cane fields of Ford s Island were temporarily turned into a battle ground Sunday morning, when about one hundred Japanese and Porto Ricans -met In fistic conflict, which afterwards resulted in a free fight, and the employment of weap on? As a result of the row severawounded fighters were -brought into I town yesterday morning, and the fub

=ome application of court piaster to their respective wounds rendered tie injured individuals fit for on the plantation again. One Japanese was seriously carved by a Porto Rican and was tak-n to the Queen's Hospital. The encounter took place between the laborers employed on the Oaha Plantation. The trouble began with a disagreement b tween a Porto Rican laborer and a Japanese. Before police interference could be brought into play the Waipio peninsula again assumed its accustomed quietude. The rioting rivals were scattered and peace wa.- restored among warring factions.