Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — CALICO BALL TO BE GIVEN FOR CHARITY [ARTICLE]


ladies Plan to Raise Funds for Eje and Ear Infirmary. DRILL SUED SCERE OF FESIIIITIES Committees Appointed Testerdav and Acti?e Steps Were Taken. Pitting Benefit For a Very Worthy Institution—Honolulu People W. I Again Be Asked to Contribute Their Mites—Dress Suits Not Declared Essential For Gentlemen. Honolulu people will again b» given the opportunity of dancing: for sweet charity's sake." Such was the determination tea aed by a committee of ladle* who gathered at the home of Mrs H Is*n berg at Punahou yesterday afternoon, and laid plans for a charity ball to be given for the purpose of raisin* funds for the Honolulu Eye and Ear Infirmary. Ball at the Drill Shed The flattering success of the Gar nival ami ball h*’id la--t year under similar auspices i« well known Tnc proceeds were larg.-Iy in excess'of what was expected. Nevertheless thInfirmary has been under a great deal of expense, and it is by a most agr* v able method that the residents pf Honolulu will be asked to contribute their mites to a worthy object. The charity ball will he held at the drill shed on W-dnegday. February 5tA. . Masks and Calico. The affair hu been .planned tm *tw lines of a "Calico Bail" at which ladies attending are to be arrayed in fantastic costumes of calico, the gen tlemen may rome wearing th*dr cool est white attire, and it will not reconsidered bad form should a visitor attend the party minus a dress sn(* All persons are to be masked. Decorations upon an extensive and elaborate scale have been arranged for. At the meeting held yesterday many committees were appointed whose duty it will be to look after every detail connected with the af fair. Among the ladies pr sent at the meeting were: Mrs F. A. Scha* f* r, Mrs. McOrew. Mrs. H. Uwi- MrGeo. Herbert. Mrs. .1. S. Walker. Mrs E. D. Tenney. Mrs. Humburg. Mrs. C. Grimw-ood. Mrs. Sta kabi* Mrs. A. G. Hawes. Mrs Mayes. Mr-. Cofer. Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. Brock Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Arthur Wall. M;--Bacon. Mrs. Soper, Mr-. Forster an • Miss MclntyrThe selection of an executive committee was first in the order of bus! ness. Those chosen included: Mrs. Alexander Isenberg. chairman: Mrs. C. B Cooper, Mrs Chas Wild* r. Mrs. John Soper. Mrs C Bro< k MrF A. Schaefer. Miss Mclntyre. Mrs. R D. Tennev. Mrs A G H»»— Mrs. Mary Wlddlfield, Mrs. Andrew Fuller Mrs J S. Walker. Mrs. C. E Cofer. Mrs. Dr. F. Mayes Mrs J Humburg Mrs. Arthur Wall. Mr*. H Lewis, Mrs. G*o. Herbert, Mrs. Dr McOrew. Mrs. C. Grimw od. M- - Bacon. Miss Belle Walker Miss M> Intrre. and Mrs. Carl Du Roi. Tcchairman was granted power to appoint other* to serve on this commit tee shouid the necessity arise Committee on Advertising and Newspapers —Mrs Fuller and Mr- J Soper. Commute on Refreshments —MrH Lewis. Mrs C. Brock Mrs c M V. Forster. Committee on Tickets—Mrs M Phillips, chairman, assisted by all ladies interested in Charity or the Infirmary. Committee on Decoration—Mrs. Arthur Wall, chairman: Mrs. Go. Paris. Mrs. L E Mrs, May * Mrs. George Smithies, Miss Belle Walker and others. Committee oa Finance —M Phil lips, with power to select others. Committee on Dance Hail —Mrs. E D Tenney and Mm J. 5. Walker C-mmittee oa Music —Mrs C. B. Cooper and Miss Bacon. The various committees are expected to report at the next meeting which will be held at the office of Dr Bloggett on Wednesdav afternoon. January 2Slb at 3 o’clock. The committee has fixed J- a- the price of the ball tickets feeling that this will be within the reach of alt