Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — RUMOR OF SHERIDAN'S LOSS IS DISCREDITED ALONG WATERFRONT [ARTICLE]


Passengers Claim Hearing of Terrible Disaster IHn Sailors Win Films Lively Along tie MM-Wn Spicer a Much Dispelel Man-Van Dike’s Spite Hays Sailing of tie Florence.

Tn-. only topi< of conversation alone the waterfront yesterday was th.e report»*d Joss of the transport Sherlian .iff the Japanese roast, with ! t'Vi -ouU on Iviard. Practically al! the ■•hipping m«-n discredit the rumor. Th“ story was traced to Horace Cook and R B. Hoyne, who arrived here on Wednesday night on the Ventura They say that the story was published in the San Francisco Bui letin and that they heard of It about California street in the vicinity of • • Me .ant - Exchange. No details were giv.R other than that the Sheridan had been lost with all hands al*>ard One thing, however, which was positively learned yesterday was that the Sheridan was not bound to San Francisco, as reported on Thursday afternoon. but was going exactly in the opposite direction. Not Going to Nagasaki. Th- Sheridan left San Francisco, January 1. bound for Manila. via Guam Her course therefore would not have been b> Nagasaki, as the officers of the Ventura were credited with saying. It is hoped that the Kilpatrick, which is due here at any time, may bring some later news either confirming or denying the story. \ copy of the regular edition of the San Francisco Evening Bulletin of January 16 was in possession of th- Republb an. but it did not contain one line concerning the fate of the Shvudan Of course the news may have been published in a late evening edition. The Sheridan is commanded by Captain Pierce She left San Francisco on New Year's day and the

departure was made an occasion for quite a demonstration. In addition to the several hundred members of the crew, the following departed on the Sheridan, four com panics of the Twenty-seventh Infantry, consisting of 402 enlisted men. four troops of the Eleventh Cavalry numbering 322 men. 7-J7 reefuits, 17 Hospital Corps men. headquarters and band of the Twenty-seventh Regiment, and various line officers. Passengers on Transport. Colonel Frank D. Baldwin and wife. Major C. J Chub. Captains James T. Moore. James A. Hutton. Shuttleworth and wife. Andrus and Nuttman; Lieutenants O. S. Eskridge. C. S. Fries, E. Van D. Murphy. James M. Kimbraugh and McNamara; Second Lieutenants W S. Persons. John J. Fulmer. Kclton L. Pepper and Ar thur A Dalton; Chaplain Rice and wife of the Twenty-seventh Infantry. Major J. B Ricky. Captains J. T. Haines, W. M. Rowell, wife and two children and mother: E. M. Leary and wife; Lieutenants T. B. Taylor A. S. Odell and F P Ames; Second Lieutenants D. D. Tompkins and wife. John Symington. C. M. Baird. W, G. Meade and H Westermoreland; Vetinary Surgeon Alexander McDonald. Surgeon-Captain James S. Kennedy of the Eleventh Cavalry. Major Thoma* F. Davis. Lieutenants G. D. Rodney, R K. Smith: Second Lieutenants J. V Kusnik. Charles Keller. M. A. Keyes. H. D. Mitchell. J. A. Higgins. W. M. True; medical officers. Captain Henry R. Styles. Captain Thomas X. Marshall. Surgeon C. F. Williams in charge of recruits. Colonel Forney. U. S. M C.. and or-

• derly; Captain B. F Cheatham and wife. Major C. Gresham, assistant Surgeons Louis W. Bishop and George M. Meyers. Cnited Staes Navy; Chaplain Charles M. Charlton. United States Navy, Paymaster J. R. Martin. United States Navy, and wife. Mrs. Dita N. Kinney. Mrs. H. K. Bailey and Miss Bailey. Mrs. C. H. Cheever, Mrs. N. R. Styles. Mrs. D. L. Tate and son. Mrs. Compton Wilson. Mrs. J. Uhrig and two children. Mrs. George McCue and son. Mrs. Reuben Smith. Mrs. S. B. Pearson. Mrs. Reuben Smith. Mrs. S. M. Waterhouse. D. W. Riley, Andrew Wray. G. F. Lovell, J. Dirckinck. John L. Coburg. A. G. Hanton. H. S. Peabody, W. H. McDonald and wife. John M. Tuther. W. F. Montavan and wife. W. F. Roane. R, J. O'Hanlon T. J. Carberry. Mrs. J. C. Muerman. Mrs L. Milliman and child. Mrs. D. C. Montgomery. Mrs. John T. Swift and child. Mrs. Thomas Neuwirth. Mrs. E. V. Johnson. Mrs. G. W. Cowgill and child. Mrs. Dodge. Gustavus Anderson. Charles B. Smith. M. A. Keenan. Mrs. Dr P. L. Sherman and child. Chaplain S. J. Smith M B. Cook. John L. Irvin. Miss Lillian Murray, Captain R. C. Langdon and R. D. Fergus son. Mrs. Dita N. Kinney, superintendent of the Army female nurses, was a passenger for Manila, as was also M. B. Cook. Marshal V)f the United States Legation at Chefoo. School teachers sailing .for the Philippines to accept positions were: William F. Montavon and wife. W F. Roane. R. J. O'Hanlon. T. C. Carberry. Mrs. J. C. Muerman. Mrs, M. Millman and Miss Lillian Murray.