Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]


Our last clearance sale which fin ishes today has proved to us conclusively that people know how to j predate good bargains. Whitney Marsh. Ltd. The Drug Co. has a iarge variety of flower and vegetable seeds m nand. just fresh from the main land. Our bread is w 11 known round about town, everyone that has tried it has become our sti ady customer Go thou and do likewis New Eng land Bakery. ( To cool off, drop into our nice ice ; criam parkrs and have an ice cream soda. Hart & Co.. Elite building A nice, fresh lunch goes very well with a glass of Pnmo, you can a; < ways get both at the Wela Ka Ha° < Saloon. Queen street. Japanese products provisions and • sake imported for sale amongst the , islands and plantations Y Suga i King street. ; Cowan’s repair shop is becoming well known as a place to get good < work. Union street. 1 The Pioneer Liquor House would have its patrons know mat it still '• ha? the best wine cellar in town. The Hoffschlaeger Ca. Ltd People caa get along in this ccun try without lots of things they would i require elsewhere, but not without ice*. Phone Bine 3151. Oahu Ice & s Electric Co.

Six-shooters an> nard things to handle, let our watchmen handle your • | burglars, it is their business Con'! lon's Night Patrol. Blue 1211. T day is the last day of <.;ir adver f tised shirtwaist sMIe. it is pay day too for lots of propie who require such j hincs A A Moniano. Arlington | ( block. I Bring your old harness round to th- California Harness Shop for g od and efficient repairs, good work guaranteed. Fort street. Ev ry Wednesday and Saturday w. 5 clean straw hats of every kind, made : as good as new for fifty cents. Iwa-j katni & Co.. Hotel street. For that tired feeling try Andrew; Usher A- Co s Sp ;al R serve O V : G. Scotch Whiskey. For sale by W C. Peacock & Co. This is fin weather for a drive take one to-morrow afternoon. You * tan get the best horse and rig in t-wu at the Territory Stable? Phon 33. Old Blackstone Whiskey is distill ! td from selected grain, is warranted pure and unadulterated, and is for | sale by J. Hartmann a Co.. Bethel \ street. j - The Gunn filing system means la- f bor sar:d and Increased facilities for|| handling more trade. See Coyne Fur allure Co.'s ad. e Hawaiian News Co. has a c number tf excellent pianos ffcr rsnt $ ? ■ adr rtisftncDL