Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — Bluffs In the Directory. [ARTICLE]

Bluffs In the Directory.

If you pick up that interesting annual, the city directory, you will find it filled with bluffs. Here Is a man down as a superintendent. You know he is only the foreman of a labor gang. Another is designated as a general manager. Three or four men are subject to his "general" management, or, as his 5-year-old-son. who inherited bis propensity to bluff, put it. “he’s the bead man of three other fellows.” Over on this page is another chap who is given as the political editor of a newspaper cf some political importance. Don’t believe it. lie’s merely a reporter assigned to gather political news, and everything he writes is carefully "edited” by another man with a title of much less importance. This man down in the book as a merchant sells shoestrings and collar buttons in a cubby hole between two buildings made available when an alley fell into disuse. “Mme. Blauque, modiste,” is merely Mrs. Blank, dressmaker, making a French bluff for which she collects after the cutting out and fitting are done. But what Is the use of picking them out? The directory is filled with them. —Pittsburg Press.