Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXII, Number 43, 26 October 1917 — Statement of Ownership [ARTICLE]

Statement of Ownership

MA3TAGEMENT > ETC. ; 0F Ttī ALOHA AINA, PUBLISHEI WE£KLY AT HONOLULO TKHKJTORY OF HAWAL (iequire<i b/ Act of August 24 Name of editor ; Jease Uluihi Honolulu, T. H. " Basinesg Managfer, X S. Martin Honohilii; T. H. PublĪßber ; Aloha Aina Co., Ltd lloiiolulu T. H. Ownert iioidiiig one ger cent oj mor« of the capital stock: E. M. Walson, B. H, Trent, C W. A«hfor<3, E«tate of F. H. Har rerfi L. L. Eetate oi J. K. Pendergaet, all of Honolulu Territory of Hawaii, and E. B MeOlanahan of San Franeisco Cal r W. A. Kinney of JTova Seotia, Ca nadfl poat office addreßß unknown Kamfis of> bondholdere, inortga gees and other security h'oldērs

ht>ldiag one per cent or nu)r© of tlii amotmt o£ boade, mortgage or other securities: N"o wcure< debta. J. S. MARTĪN, Bußiness "Mai>'ager Sv.-oru to before me tliis 24(1i daj of Sept., 1917. P. H. BUBJSTETTE. My eoramisBion expires June 30, 1918.