Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 6, 1 May 1980 — Ka Papa Helu O Ka Mahina Calendar of Events [ARTICLE]

Ka Papa Helu O Ka Mahina

Calendar of Events

July 9 The Tradition of Hula A lecture on ethnic perfonning arts at the University of Hawaii, Manoa Summer Session. Campus Center 308 at 7 p.m. fuly 12 UHM Hula Ensemble f a student group that has performed internationaIly in representing the University will perform fraditionar and contemporary hula. Orvis Auditorium. 8 p.m. Admission July 15 Hawaiian Falsetto a distinct style deriving from historical and traditional Hawaiian sourcesĀ» will be performed in concert by four artists. 8 p.m. Orvis Auditorium. Admission Iuly 20 Sunday Lu'au with entertainment at Kamakuamauloa Church Convention, Mokauea St. Public invited - 2 p.m. - Donations requested. p Peari Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club Choral Group Presents - Album II Benefit Sales: "Kamehameha Chants by Keli'i Tau 4 a. Album will be available by July 19th. Piaee your orders by contacting Antofhette Lee (455-3985) or Noia Nahulu (847-1829).