Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 25, 1 October 1936 — Frank H. Locey Defines Part Which WPA Employes May Play In Politics [ARTICLE]

Frank H. Locey Defines Part Which WPA Employes May Play In Politics

The part whieh workers on the rolls of the WPA in Hawaii play in politics without endarigering their employment status has been defined by FranK H. Locey, territorial administrator, in answer to many iniiuiries. Mr. Locey's announcement took tlie i im oi a quotation from the first defieiency act approv d Jui e :2, 1936, whieh included appropriations of |1,425,000,000 for emergency relief activlties. "No part pf the foregoing appropriatioii/* he quoted from the act f "shall he used to pay the salary or expenses of any person who ia a candidate for. any state, district, coimty or munieipal office (such office requiring full Ume of such 'prrson ar.d fo wh di offke a aalary attaehes), in 'any .primary, general oi special eleelion, or who is scrvingas a campaign manager or assistant thereto for any such candidate, ,, In this connection. Administrator Locey also made puhlie the following letter. from Harry L. Hopkius, nationai ā^ministrator. "All statc works progress admiiiistrsitors are hereby instructed to post m every district office and to doliver to every projeet foreman an exact copy of the following regulation: "No employc o.f the WPA.. eitlier administrative or engaged on a projeet, is roquired to make any contribution to any polilieal party, "No WPA omp'oye % s job will be in jeopardy bccause of tho foiluiv of said employc to m&ke such coutribution. "No employe of the WPA ahall at ,any time solicit contributions for any political party, and evidcnce <u' *ueh soīicitation wil! be cause for immediate dischargc The of wl\ether or not to contribute tq any polmeal party is a matter. entirely for the volunUiry decision of said employe. f "No person sliall be employed or disJiaiged by tlu WPA on tlu- ground of his support or non^uppori v of any cand'idate of nnv poliHeal organization." -

(Continued on Page 4) -• i