Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 1, 8 September 1880 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

- (!ur tycos v/erc pre.isi"l to Kspvcss thuinseives. I — ;■ ■■ ■■■--.— . Jupiter .'!uvius hui. lumeā on the \v.'iter ī'.aaiu Juring the lust f'evr days. t . - -o- — '** £V" Otrncn ol' privatc carriages ahoulii abidc by the i :'.w auel dĪGplay liehee- o:uiglita. j :p-'* Kipuhulu pi:iututi')u, M.uii, reeeivc:. iu'w j <uio!;v -fue!:s lo-dtiy lt»r tlu- inill. frutn tht; Hoiio- j ialu lron Wtiil;s. 2*;" Tha;il;s aie ilu-.' 10 ilio l,urs>,i "f '.ue !'■ H* f S. S. ' 1i;y oi -Koiv Voi k, .i:st- •M.-U!-".,-?; <• . - A" !ii : o j :ind i'. h-'i'koi). for l:ivois i'eeeiwii | * -v [ Cp7' 1 'i'lie '■ grini destroyer '' hua K'ep busy iu our ; midst during the lr.st fo\v diiys, lour well kuown , aml resneoted iesi(iccits follov7iu;,.\vitiiiii ;i siiort titnc, . eaeh other to that houme froin wlwiioe «uiio ruturu. * — ' • • — - 1 » v » i :Zy ' A ninuvaiy liorse' uUi'u.oleil the .:.\t.t.e.pti'.ui ol i)edestriaiis 011 Merchiint strect, Mouduy f. M. Stopped without damage« 2;-' Mr. Oeorge hue.ii our ullahle Oiiiel Eugmeer will neoepī thanksfor the papors iie so l:indly fnruiilmi ..is ' 1. II. H'. the l'iineeee Likeliko lfcft here ou thc Likelike, Tuesday, tor a trip to Wir\dward. -p/'" Bowaer administers to our wanla by a new liireetōi'y. Tlie faces of absent- friotidu .igaiu appear amongst us. Jndrte Vfīdemn.iiniGe3r2iLueasrJIcncy Dimond, Ool. Claus Sprcck<:lu, i'h'. Alkinaou, K. G. liitchcock, \V. II. Bailey oad B.' F. Tolles," having returncd hithcr by tho City of Ke\." Yo ;k. \V ;iil u k u_ 1 L.su o u- li e. vo a iucr;i:t-place, ond — uo -wilī— Lahaine. — E-aeh- tov<"tt- kau— '^OOU appro~ priated for tlie purpose. I).is Bi:cclioaoy Govcrnnr Doininis givcs 1ūg nttcntioii to the crect'^n of tliese uscful Gtructurcs. Tlie fish-niarket of |jaliuina ie uonictimcs more varied and ahuncir.nt thi.n thnt of Honolulu. 'L'iie nmllut poinlu of Molokli furnish inuxhaubtible Gupplierf of lioli ; aud the q.iaut and bays of Lanai eoukl nupply u grcat city wiih cra\viioh, cructacca, and bivalvi:G of Vat'ious l;ind«, and with turtlc in cxceptional qmfntiticti. We havc uoticcd thc tcrt'apin brou(jliL to Luliaiii^. Tho Makawao dintrJot will oupply tho v./niluku: markct wilīi an r.buLidanco of ehoiee ti(-.3f aud inutton. The lorgo aneii eouiaoiiiouu mnrl:.\.tu r,t bo;h to\,:aa will, ao doitbt, coutrābuto to tl:c i:..;jt\.: *j. and gi'CQtor varioty of euppllu.

Mr. an.l Mrs. Ii:iiU:y, of tiir Hawniian (slaii'is, tori'.i,:vly j.upils of Milla' Sc-tiiinary, hove givon tlic liaii.hoiiK' siun.uf w:l,0DI) for .<.cholarsnips in tlmt ins'.itutiou, to be known as the \V. II. L5ailey sch.)l:wsliipH.— Sac. Union. Aud how mue.h ,for Bunaiiou, Ln h a i u li'iiīnn", ' K a wa iahao . or olliei' ir,waii:ui j iiistitutiou " J. ^/"/Llu- l'. M. k. (Jiiy ul' N'.'w Vork i'X|)erii'lic,Ml | vory l)'.iirtfrc.ii.- w'enlhi'i' siiortly ailei' loaving Knn ] iMauekou. Wi* li'uni lrom n piis-ciijicr, wlio \vns : 1111 oeeupain I)! :\ tiertli oti the upiu'P (leek. that n | hcuvy S' u strnck ih,- vosscl. and floodi'd his aiui j 8t!Vcrul"olln'i' :ipartnients, and alao rlisplaci-d aj bo;it iiom tlie d:\viiH, whieli \vas, huw»'vnr. cvcn-. | tually sceiin'(l. Thc gale wim ot slu»rt (lurntion,! and ilii' leiiiaiiKli'i' ol ihe p:\ss.\go \v;is pli'.i»aut arid iinevciitfiii. <»n this oeeaHion thc stcnmt'r lcft Kin Kraneisco ou Saturdny tor the firdt tiinc, and. na<l 1 circumstiine(.'s lieeu tnvorablc. snc \vould h:\vc . arrivcd hcrc on B;Uunlay last. As it haj)ji"ncd. i shc onuie' in on Sunday, a.ud lctt [lie sainc dny at ō [i.ui. t'or Aueklanil. ult<-r tho ili8ciiibarknt;on of passfc'ng(:rs. an(l the dischargc o( tticir h; ggagc! ānd tlic freight for llonolulu. j 'A' ' I CoMM.\M'i:i'.s (Jiiaxc«i:i>. — Oapt. \\ tii. li. Oohh, lur thi' last thi>'c yoaranii(l a linlf command(*r nl' thc :Uity of New Vorl;,-and wlio is so fnvorably known. lo thc tiavclitiir comriiunity anti all tbal have heen hii)ugl)t into busiiu'ss or sooial i-elaliom- with liim, for bis i;iiidiy C()urtcsy ilikI gcnial dispos"uioii1.!ins obtuiiicii u tcnij)c,rurv !cayc of abscnc:' aiiil availcrl ! lnm-ell (»f lin.' ()[)])"iiiiniiy to make a «liqrt visit t-rj t i-.o scoucs "I bis youtiriu N'ew !Miglaii(l. aee..;»]:- 1 p:\iiicd 1)V !iis amiahle wii'e who is aie.o wi'll kiiown • lu'i'o, and"vvho ae .well as !icr husband haa ho8ts ofj fi i(-nri.- aiuoi:g us. Tlu* (.'upluin is c_xpcc!crl bacit lo rc.s:uiie C"tninaiii! ol hishiiipou iie' nexl voyagc. I:i ;l:c iiieuiuiiiK' tiic |)lncc is filll''d ')y Lupl.iiu \V. H, ;-c.ibury wli" visitcd us .liioul t\vo ycars I siueo /is Gaptijiu of *tlio Alaska# .:,nd iuado many y.fri(-i").(is" lū*i'jc~(lui iug līls b riēf' visi t . 1 Advc[i:uic.- i 1 1 ! ' .L^'oiiia, u Missio[i-,. y 1 - x j » I o i inu 'l'-eip by ti:c Hcv. Titiis Goau. willi an.iuUoiluelion by J{cv. 110111-}' M."'ī,'icld) I).D. Nrcw\oii;, ]')odd. Meiul, aii(l coiM|>uiiy — 1880. \\"c i:avc i-eail wiiii " pleaeiii'e ih'i-' irucrcsting ' hook ol' :UD -p.ii?L's. : We havc bad some glimpsc8 1 1 f tlic S..>iith Ameiieaii .UllimA 'I'huk', and'()fl)i:l iMieean fofk8. from Hiiiwin ni)d Honi'in* ; hiu t.he. ; llilo mis.-ionary l-'aihei' inaki'e us quitc at liome ' witli thc Paln^onian. On Nov. 14, 1833 onr Missionary land*'d on tiu* sliorc of (iregory's I)ay, , with " saii(l elifls. hiind (lunc.s-,-the--gVaa=y pampa®, I aiul uistant sno\v crowin*d hilte^Jbtif neither mnn noi' ,bea.-t. nor> iiumaii habitation vi8iblfc*. ĪIut aflcr a-whili*. |ic finds fricudsr meet8 with a grotfc'sque Pala^oiiian Quecn, and fcedfl on guanaco, and an oeeaaioiial skunk. 'And he touchcfl tke hearts of the exireine Amt'rican aouthland giants. We enn »ee how thal roughing it in Patagonia 47 year.- ago, pn*par-d the staiwart intflfcionary .for hi& achievementh iu Hawuii, where he was draggcd aeioh» a »torm fcd 8trenui by a hau bnrk ropc-,-in ordcr to meet a religiouH appoinfmcnt ; and 8caled pi-eeipieen, or croHsed 8toriny waterH in frail eanoea in ordcr to meet an eriquiring people waiting for wordu of lifc. Thc Patagontan adventurea are , well worth reading, well written, and enn beaent yoii by Wbitnoy & Rob«rtnon-of thmcity.