Ka Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 21 November 1914 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

■ - (Copy) STATEMENT OP CIK C tJ £ A XlOl4 »tc., requirbd by Tadl AcT ok ATJGUST : a4, l9U2f, (Progxessi ve) publish e a weekly āt IkonoIulu» Oahu, for October lst, 7fJl4. : Editor, G. K. Poepoe, Honolulu, Oaliu. Managfn K Editor, &. K . Poepoe, Honolulu, Oaliw. Busjuess Mgnager, Joh* N. KeoJa, 833 Buck3e Hoholulu, Oahu. Publisher, Samtiel Kanio, Honolnlu„ Oahu. Owners: (I£ a corporalāon, give its name and najnes and ad.dressess of S tockholder3" holdibg l p*, cent or toore of total am OT nt .of stocfc. If not a corp6ration, ' addres§es of indiyidual owners.) G."K. Poepoe, Jolm N. Samuel Kanio; all of Hoaolulu, Oahu. ■ Kaown bonj3liolders, m'ortgaKe«B* jind othcr >*curity " Ho'lderB, hOldlng 1 *£ r cent r 9 r mdre of t»tal amount of boud ß , mortgkg c », or«therß securlties: (If there " re ttone. so otate ) Non*. Average number of copi«. 0 f eāeh ii«,e ofthu publication sqld. or distributied-, tlirough tlie mails or otherwiae, to paid BUbscribers durias the six nu?ntli« prdceding tl»e date »hown (,Tiiiß inforpiation ie xequired from daily newepapera only.) JOHN Ni KROIvA, 33usines& Mftnager. Swor» to and sul>sc 4 jbed bef,orc me tbia i6th. day of October, 19x4 henry VAi<r gir,so^" (Seal> M«Ur,- Jucl;cu.l -_ Circuit, Territory q£ »ia V .aij.