Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 11 March 1936 — MEMBERS SIGN FINAL REPORTS [ARTICLE]


The inscribed (.opy of tlie House | territories siibco7nmitte reports ori i Hawaiian stateh'jod. whieh were mado 1 public a wepk ago, was c*irculated I for signature Satufday. t liep. F;ugene B. Crowe. rliiiirman; j llep. .fack Nichol.s. and Ilep. .īolin J. Dempsey signed the majority report. Reps, Ernest Lundee and Raymond J. Cannon signed the minority report.

Both reports will bo submitted to the full territories committee at its next m6etlng; it was expeLted the roajorMy report would be adopte<l. This praised social and eeonomie gßins in Hawaii but recommended

that aetion on Hawaiian statehood be indefinitely deferred.

Such action Would leave consideration of Delegate Sam King"s statehood bill inactive, iexceptj _fgr Hie recommendation of further study. This is likely to take tlie form of a eommission visil to Hawaii.

However, such a mission is not expected in 1936 in view of the summer nomination cOnventions and fall campaigns. : King said he expected to consult Senator MiHard Ē. Tvdings <l)em.l. Maryland, on the feasibility of a joint Senat6-Housei commissioh to yisit Hawaii in 1937.