Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 10, 1 July 1936 — Pahala Adds Many Voters [ARTICLE]

Pahala Adds Many Voters

County Clerk Ali'ml Kumalae who return<.'d ii'om Pahala SaturJaj," night foJlowiug his annuul trip to the countr,v to registcr voters. rcports that to date Pa - |halahasthe largest number of .new. vok'i\s in the coimtry Jistrict He stated that 1*23 new voters ; \vere registered at Pahala, lx»sides several tranfers ;md re-registra-tions. At Waiohinu there were ;i3 new voters registered und a eouple of old ones re-registered Tho county elerk is urging all new voters in Hik> to register at j his otfice in the eounty building. Wonien voters who have married since the last election are askwl to rc-register under their new names Registration must !>e done as soon a? jx>ssidle to avoid the last miu ute rush. Mr. Knnmlae will start for Kona on Jul,v (\ In the meantime Herl>ert Watson is in that district to registor votess. He is making a completo rcport of his work day hy day.